Just would like to share my experience with Blue Hyundai at Mysore road - mail thread
Sep 17(6 days ago)
to gmservice, agmservice, crmservice
Dear Mr. Latif Hussain,
This is Devanand and bought car i20-Magna Diesel from your showroom and carried out regular service since the date of purchased.
Would like to bring your kind notice that the way of your service people handling customers are not an encourage. I have visited your showroom on 14 Sep 2014, for rear lights are not working issue. Your technician found that there was some cable cut by the RAT and the same was reconnected. The service supervisor charged for this around Rs.350+ tax.
I requested him, since three years, am with you as a customer and each service have been charged not less than Rs.10000, by considering this could you waiver this amount, Since this amount is not much for your company and also to me, just consider as a complement to your customer.
The way he reacted is make me totally uncomfortable. What he told was, I will discuss with my manager and he came and told me taht - No Sir. My manager is not agreeing. Then I asked him - Who is your manager - Is Javed?
No response from him, again he went back to some where and given the paper directly to Bill counter and no communication to me even I am standing next to him. Finally I asked the Billing counter person, and he replied that, the supervisor reduced to Rs.250. Is this attitude of your guys reducing Rs.100 or Rs.10? I totally disappointed.
Mr. Latif Hussain, I eager to know that, did you really trained your service supervisors how to handle the customers or not. First of all he(Supervisor) is not all listening to me(This is not the first time with him, since the date I purchased car from your show room, he is always the person for my car service supervisor) Is this Car Showroom or Road side vegetable market?
Did you accept what has he done right? Is this is the way you handle your customers?. Even if I give service regularly to any outside service center, they could be done this repair free of cost to me. Please understand, this argument not for money, am very much disappointed with the customer handling skills in your Showroom.
Expect some corrective action or advise me to look some other professional show room/service centre.
Thanks for understanding and support
Mohammed Samiulla
Kindly help me with your contact number.
Sep 18(5 days ago)
Sep 18(5 days ago)
to Mohammed
Mobile Number provided to them
1:44 PM(5 minutes ago)
to Mohammed, Mohammed, ARSIKERE,
Hi Mr.Latif/Mohammed.
Apologize for the useless mail sent to so called " Hopeless Blue Hyundai" team.
By courtesy also if you(GM & co) are not able to response for this feedback since a week time what is fun of expecting professionalism from your subordinates. This clearly indicates your way of customer centric approach. The purpose of the mail sent to your team is that just make you to understand, the way your people handling the customers.But even for that matter also, unfortunately I did not received any response from you.
Mr.GM - There is "No meaning of you place a board, mentioning that please send your service feedback directly to me" - WASTE OF TIME for me
However, I trust hyundai but not "Unprincipled Blue Hyundai".
Thanks and Bye GentleMan
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.