Uppal Builders - Delhi Image


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Nov 29, 2018 11:54 PM 7751 views

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Pathetic company to work with, poor management, treat there employees like slave . take work from them as per there benefit and soon when they get to know the employees have there personal life too which is equally important they find them of no use, even if the female employee needs maternity leave instead of providing the same they ask the employee to leave as per there choice. No respect at all of employee bloody the Boss shouts and scream at there employees, I request please no body should ever think of working with such a company where they just get disrespect. they follow there own annul leaves createria and provide different leaves slabs as per your tenure, 14 leaves in a year if your have a year experience LOL .HAAA HAAA and so on.! Never think to join hands with them .

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Comments on Uppal Builders - Delhi Review

You are right i heard a lot about this company https://uppal.co.in and the owner is Manish Uppal he is making his customers fool buy charging them really high and misbehave with the staff rich people with low mentality i also heard about this comp...any that the owner #manishuppal harass and misbehave with the staff members and if someone ask for leave he ask to leave the company so the atmosphere is not secure to work no job security.  Read More

By: 166design | Nov 30, 2018 12:08 AM

Everybody knows it's the wrost place to write anything about someone without knowing about him. That's why you can write here anything. Negative people do always this and spread negativity all around, Good. Claps never gives sound from one ha...nd.  Read More

By: beniwalyetender | Jun 25, 2019 03:01 PM

You also heard, never judge someone one heard thoughts. So please never become rude. Thanks.

By: beniwalyetender | Jun 25, 2019 03:03 PM