Unishire Group - Bangalore Image

Worst builder..fraud

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Worst builder..fraud
Jul 27, 2017 03:51 PM 26157 views

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I rue and curse the day that I booked a property at Unishire. I booked a property called Belvedere at near Jakkur in 2014. It has been 3 years and NO work has been done! In the interim they renamed the property Palazzo and changed specifications, offered a few fancy fittings and all.all hogwash!

I finally cancelled my booking and it has been over a year, and they spouting crap about ESCROW accounts and income tax problems and have refused to refund money, when it was them who confirmed that the project would never be completed.

They spent all their money in marketing maybe and now have no money to build anything. I have no clue how can a useless company like them have any image in the market.

I am writing this review, so any unassuming person does not fall in their trap in the future, like we were.

Never buy a property from them, even if that means staying on in a rented place! You will have some peace in your mind.unlike us, having been taken on a ride for so long!

Horrible staff, equally fraud owner called Vinay Mehta and corrupt legal aids.I have run out of words to describe my anger at this disgusting and absolutely rubbish builder.STAY AWAY FROM ANY PROPERTY OF UNISHIRE!

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Comments on Unishire Group - Bangalore Review

I have bought a property at the same place and they have been dodging us too. Can I have your email ID so that we can discuss and pressurize them to do something about it

By: jananir797 | Oct 08, 2017 08:43 AM

I have the same issues.Can we get connected to do something

By: Kamp | Nov 01, 2017 04:50 PM

Can you whatsapp me your email id/ contact details to +971504647531

By: mailgauravshah | Nov 05, 2017 01:03 PM