Let me start with the chapter 1 for TVH SVASTI.
When they offer the flat for sale, they promise completion of flat in 1 year. Thus in my case I booked the flat in June 2010 and made 90% of the payment by May 2011. However the balance 10% work took 18 months to complete. The logic is simple. They collect 90% money when the wall for your flat is complete. Once you make the payment, they would start the work in other apartments. So this means that 90% of work gets over in 6 months and 10% of work gets over in 18 months - Incredible to start right.
After you make the 90% payment, You'll realize that Emails don't work, Calls don't work, we have seen the customer relationship person change every 3 months. Even the so called heads of the co: and mails to directors don't work.
Next - Coming to the Quality of construction. Some examples are these:
Like tiles would have different shading - in a hall for example - you'll see tiles that are while, others half white - they never mentioned all would look alike right?
Bathroom tiles - all rejected tiles - they are faded, broken, and they are not of a uniform shade.
Doors - They promised teakwood and refined contrywood - But we got compressed wood and that gets fungus infected in 3 months of installation. You need to throw it off the time you enter the house. You see compressed wood is equivalent of teak as per TVH.
Leakage - rest assured, If there is an activity in the wash area in the flat above you, you would get water-spill on your face in your wash area. I'm not exaggerating. This is the fact and no one cares to rectify this. Walls are completely fungus infected. the seepage is severe and can be seen in each wall in the flat.
All these are experiences which I have come across in the last 6 months of occupying the flat and most of them are not still rectified despite complaining to the top management.
Before closing - On the amenities, swimming pool was promised. Unfortunately the CMDA approved document does not have a swimming pool, They exclusive building which is a club house. As of today, I see the building becoming residential blocks and are already sold. I don't know how the CMDA approving agencies are bribed to all all these crap. Also, the carpet area is just 65% of the built-up area and if these amenities don't come up, Its called paying for "AIR".
They charge 1.5 lacs to pay to pay bribe to get corporation water connection. For the last 1 year, We have been paying for the tank water.
I'm planning to sell my flat and move out to a better community simply because I cannot argue with the bunch of persons who just want money.
Never go for TVH.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.