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Supertech, Noida

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Walton Road, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru 560001, KA

Project By Supertech, Noida

Ready to Move
Sector 118, Noida
₹42.84 L - ₹59.85 L
2,3 BHK Apartments
Ready to Move
Sector 74, Noida
₹51.95 L - ₹3.35 Cr
1,2,3,4 BHK Apartments
Ready to Move
Sector 74, Noida
₹51.7 L - ₹1.3 Cr
2,3,4 BHK Apartments
Ready to Move
Sector 94, Noida
₹1.8 Cr - ₹5.8 Cr
2,3,4 BHK Apartments
Ready to Move
Sector 94, Noida
₹1.8 Cr - ₹5.8 Cr
2,3,4 BHK Apartments
Ready to Move
Sector 93A, Noida
₹85 L - ₹1.32 Cr
3,4 BHK Apartments
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Reviews on Supertech, Noida

Feb 20, 2013 05:47 PM Read

It is shocking again for me , I had booked flat in echo village 1 with 10% of booking amount  in march 2010 , but they cancelled my booking due to non payment , but after multiple follow-ups , they ready to release but two day back I visited at location for payment & other details they told me that management is not approving for any flat for you. This is really shocked for me. How they can do like this.

Is there any way where I can connect & get my flat retained ?

Gopi Shukla
Jan 26, 2013 10:03 PM Read

I booked a flat in Ecovillage 1, and recently got our allotment letter.  Terms and conditions mentioned in allotment letter are illegal and never discussed before:

Clause 6: Escalation in Price based on Building materials( from the booking date to ill possession) on the 50% of flat  price.

Clause 18: any other further  compensation paid to farmers bill be recovered from buyers.

Please beware before booking any flat with SuperTech as they are cheating the buyers.
Nov 23, 2012 12:07 PM Read

I will share my experience with you all so that it will not happen with you too.

Flat which is allotted to me is not giving by telling that they have already allotted to somebody.

As the price increases they are now making excuse and not completing there previous commitment. DO NOT DO BOOKING IN SUPER TECH YOU WILL BE IN HELL DEAR.




Supertech - Noida
Nov 16, 2012 06:45 PM Read

Eco Village 2

Don't fall prey of the advertisement or promises, Supertechis famous for Long Delays, worst quality and illegal demand during possession.

I have booked a flat with Supertech Limited in 2010 and till date I can not say when I will be given possession, when I ask CRM team they say we are working hard and will are working for yoursecurity and comfort, when I investigated in detail I came to know Supertech has increased or added 5-7 extra towers in my project Eco village II that is the core reason for delay, and after so many towers hardly any place will be left for playing area or club

Another Cheating: have paid a PLC for park facing, I don't see any park, only a 4 feet wide grass streach in front of my house.

Also the quality of construction is worst, please check the completed tower B16 any flat in ground floor, you can see the fire fighting pipes visible in the room, room size is also very small.

If you are buying from Supertech please add 25 to 30% hidden or extra charted which they will charge at the time of possession, late payment penalty for the payment you did on time @ 24% from the date of release of demand letter dates hardly matter to them, if they want to charge they will charge, labour welfare charges, farmer compensation charges, water connection charges, electric connection charges. and so on.

Date July 7th 2016, supertech has again changed the dates of possession on their website. Project started in 2010 and there was a zero period of one yearand still no sign of possession. turns out to be a biggest mistake of my life.

Date Aug 4th 2017, till date I have not received possession, as per Supertech website possession is due in Oct 2017, but work is stopped on my tower since last 4 month, and they have not delivered those towers which were due in July 2017 as per website.

Date 15th Dec 2017, Possession date moved to March 2018, ground level progress is Zero. still doing external plaster on the back side.Though BJP central and State govt. will help and resolve this long pending issue, but they are also not doing any thing in this regards. Seems that builders are above Law in NCR.

Its end of Jan 2020 and construction is totally stopped since 2 years and no scene of progress.
Oct 27, 2012 01:37 PM Read

They are charging nonsense interest on their booking . And even customer care and their mail ID never respond to your query. No one is caring about customer.

Once you booked unit with them you will stuck in their trap and will never come out from them.

Please beware of this builder think before you booked your unit with them.
Oct 18, 2012 08:28 PM Read



Supertech house, B-28/29





Amit Gujral




Dear Mr. Mohit Arora(Supertech Limited) / Mr. Amit Gujral (Investor Clinic),

This is to bring to your notice that I had booked a flat in your project as below mentioned details

Project Name: ECO VILLAGE -1

Tower /Block Name : B-14

Floor – 011, Flat No. 1106

Super Area (sq. ft) -795

Noida Extension

From your consideration of Rs. 153, 435.00/- paid through cheque No: 011961 and 011958 of ICICI bank limited. Dated 23-06-2011, 14-06-2011 rRajeev_Vermactively. The cheques has drawn from my account and credited to Supertech Limited account.

The said goods is confirmed to booked under my name is confirmed by you though E-mail to me at E-mail address lot of time on different dates when I marked an e-mail to your CRM department at is official E-mail address and which you can check in below mail-trail.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 when I called up your CRM team and Mr. Ashish Verma and asked is there any issues in my Flat as Noida extension dispute is going on I cam to know Supertech is canceling flats but I got assurance from Mr. Ashish Verma and an E-mail from CRM team of Supertech Limited of ‘Our flat no. - 1106/B-14 in Ecovillage-1 project in the of Mr. Prashant Bhargav’ is confirmed’. Now, On Tue, Oct 9, 2012, when I visited to Supertech office to ask for when they will send demand later for remaining amount and send me allotment latter as they promised but I was told my flat no. - 1106/B-14 in Ecovillage-1 project has cancelled which is indeed regrettable and highly unbusiness like. As per you this unit is under cancellation because I have not made the total sum of amount which includes IFMS, Floor and View PLC. When I booked flat it was told to me I need to give 10% of basic price to book flat by INVESTOR CLINIC and Mr. Amit Gujral and if this is the case then the same messaged needed to convey me at the time of booking or when I contacted you to confirm me my flat booking. So, this notice is also intend to IVESTOR CLINIC and Mr. Amit Gujral. On account of your aforesaid dereliction of duty and failure and neglect to rectify the same or you are liable to compensate to me as I suffered from loss.

Give Details You are hereby finally called upon to

(1) Retrieve the said cancellation of goods.

(2) Return the price/charges and compensation for financial loss, personal and socialite loss suffered due to your negligence in the sum of rupees 802950/- .

I shall be constrained to initiate against you for readressal of my aforesaid grievances and recovery of the aforesaid amount such preceding, both civil and criminal as we are warranted by law, besides filling a complaint under the statuary provisions of the consumer protection Act, 1986 exclusively as your own risk cost, responsibility and consequences which please note.

Place: Noida

Dated: 11-10-2012 Parshant Bhargav
Aug 05, 2012 12:17 PM Read

  1. Based on improper partial completion certificate ref no noida/bc/bp-111-142/3487 dated 10/04/2008 obtained by you from noida authorities residents ( more than 350 families )have been made to stay in unsafe complex, noc issued by fire deptt because of serious non compliance with fire fighting requirements has been cancelled by chief fire officer on march 29, 2012 and requirements have still not been complied with.

2.unsafe complex brief overview: at present 15 towers, 14 residential and one semi-residential tower having entrance from gate no. 2 and 3, and 14th semi-commercial tower having entrance from gate no. 4 has been provided.

You in serious violation have neither provided to residents nor displayed in project construction office noida authorities approved building sanction plan.

during discussions with noida authorities & as per records partial completion certificate (which now has been established as improperly issued )has been issued for 14 towers only , however residents are staying in all 15 towers , kindly explain and clarify the reasons of same.

Residents have been sold accommodation in towers based on tower nomenclature basis and not on tower no basis , this discrepancy requires explanation and official information with ref to to tower no corresponding to nomenclature based on which tower apartments have been sold , you are requested to provide the same immediately

the number of towers has been increased from 12 to 15 without informing or taking consent from the residents in violation of u.p apartment act. No boundary wall on one side and gate no. 1 has been provided for 15 nos. Towers. The chief fire officer has cancelled the original fire compliance certificate on 29.03.2012, and till date most of compliances remain to be completed although the second time extended period given by cfo expired on 04.06.2012 and by noida authorities expired on aug 2, 2012.

Because of additional tower constructions parking , sewage and water infrastructure have been overstretched beyond limits and sun and fresh air has been affected for towers in front of apex towers.

Further brief summary of non-compliances and other violations committed by you are as under:

A.residents staying in unsafe complex:

1.chief fire officer has cancelled provisional noc on 29.03.2012 , cancellation of noc has eastablished that partial completion certificate obtained on 10.04.2008 was improper .

2.residents till date have not been provided tower completion and possession certificate.

3.time limits of show cause notices issued by fire department and noida authorities have passed but till today compliances have not been done.

B.illegal unsafe construction activity of apex and ceyane tower and illegal encroachment of offset & other areas:

1.cfo in letter dated 24thapril, 2012 to dm april has informed clearly that distance between apex tower under construction and aster -2 is only approx .9 meters which is against requirement of 16 meters & informed gross violation of rules & regulation .cfo and fire officials during various visits have given specific instructions for stopping of construction activity of apex tower to mr dilip chaudhry and col rakesh sahay but the same have been totally ignored.

2.unsafe construction methodology have already caused lot of accidents at site and continues to be a threat for safe living of residents.

3.noida authorities does not permit any kind of construction in offset area and minimum offset distance is 6 meters for safe passage of ambulance and fire tenders but the same have been totally ignored and even written instructions of cfo have been disobeyed in the matter.

4.paid parking has been provided in offset area at no of locations reducing offset distance to 3.2 meters .

5.servent quarters against nbc norms have been provided in the basement , for immediate removal of same noida authorities have issued show cause , kindly arrange to remove and provide alternate accommodation to allotters or refund money along with the interest charges.

Encroachment of gail area.

Encroachment of public road for storage of construction material for construction of apex/ceyane towers.

8.encroachment of underground parking for store purpose and storing of inflammable material.

encroachment of underground parking for apex and ceyane..

C.details of serious non compliance with noida authorities and nbc norms:

1.not providing of rescue staircase in towers-noida authorities have issued show cause notice to provide the same immediately.

2.not providing of goods lift in towers.--this is a matter of serious concern for residents as residents find difficulty in transportation of goods and patient can not be moved on stretcher.

3.not providing of rescue platform at 7/8th floor.

4.not providing of fire resistance door in lifts and staircase. fire fighting provision at the rear of towers. lightening arrester in any of the towers.

7.inadequacy of backup generator system.

8.joint inspection report on alarmingly serious electrical work is already in your record

D.violation of pollution contorl norms-

1in violation of pollution control norms batching plant has been installed near residential area , loading through loader in batching plant hopper creates lot of dust

Affecting health of residents , lot of residents asthma problems have been aggravated.

2.inadequacy of sewage system/not timely cleaning is generating poisonous gas in rooms of residents and in open area , this is in violation of pollution control norms.

E.gross misappropriation of maintenance funds and defficiency in maintenance services with supporting facts have been informed to you by rwa but till date no explanation has been received from


Based on above situation on meeting compliance requirement is very very serious and written evidence in form of letters written by cfo and show cause notices issued by noida authorities exist and we request you to consider following:

A. Give necessary instructions for immediate stopping construction of apex /ceyane towers as it is against nbc construction norms& working has caused no of accidents , fir dated 10.04.2012 registered with noida phase ii police station, accident report published in hindustan times and times of india

.b.give necessary instructions for removal of temporary shed.

C.give necessary instructions for reducing tower crane jib to non residential area in conformity with city construction norms

D.give necessary instructions for removal of batching plant in conformity with city construction norms as it violates pollution control norms also
Jul 01, 2012 09:49 AM Read

We have become a victim of Business tactics and builder cheating that the Real estate builders like Supertech has using for trapping the novice consumers and exploiting them in the desire of one home. The real facts are as follows:-

  1. W e have booked a flat no. 205 in CS10, project Capetown at Noida Sec 74 thru a broker name Marketing times Realty Sector 2 Noida but show off their presence as underwriter of the direct relation of Supertech to us. The Broker team leader was a novice person who doesn’t disclose all the hidden facts to us and in faith booked a flat of Supertech. The Broker first said that you can pay the initial booking amount and after that the 30% demand may come after booking of the flat and the rest of the amount you will have to pay at the time of possession. The Broker also not told that the all three applicants in the attached booking form must have to be in blood relation for getting loan sanction on the booked flat. The Broker also not told that if the demand may come to you and if you not pay that demand on time then the 24% interest will be applicable and charge by the Builder. The Broker also not told us that after booking if you want to cancel the flat then the builder may deduct 15 from the total amount we have paid the builder.

  2. We have signed the booking form on the broker faith that he was saying right to us. The booking form in the first page or on the front page doesn’t contains the terms and conditions in bold noticeable characters and neither the broker may assist and indicate the consumers to read & explain the Terms and conditions intentional put in the middle of the booking form write in small context and in concise and neither nor the broker insist to read about and explain the first the term and conditions of Supertetch.

  3. After the 60 days of booking we get 70% Demand which is Rs 35 Lakhs. We shocked that in short time how the demand may arise. The Supertech told us that he erected only pillars upto 7th floor so the demand comes 70 % while floor is not furnished. We request the builder that we have no idea that you demand in such an unlawful way although no work of our floor has completed till yet. The Builder also said that if not paid 24 % interest you have to bear. We said the Broker have not told about this interest thing nor you mentioned in Website of Supertech. So kindly cancel our flat and may return our initial booking amount which we paid at the time of booking. The Supertech said that they will deduct 15 % from our amount which we have paid in this booked flat. We said we have no idea about it that after cancel of the booking the Supertech may deduct this amount in an unlawful way. The Broker also not told that in cancellation you will get your amount in deduct. The Builder said that you have signed terms and conditions we said that your terms and conditions are in the middle of the form and the broker will turn the page himself and neglect the part of the terms and conditions to observe. We said the booking form is a temporary form not any authentication & validity in the eyes of law neither it was there where we signed because anything done has to done on the registered proper document thru Registrar.

  4. We after that meet four directors of the supertech one by one who said that they have a policy made for their personal unjust enrichment and unlawful purpose for the welfare & demands of the Supertech staff and the chairman and directors of the company who get all the expenses deduct from the consumer who trapped accidentally in supertech and want to exit. We said that how you can charge 24% Interest although we are not using your living services of flat accessing neither nor any personal debt we have taken from you. We also try to meet R.K Arora chairman of Supertech but his secretary, security & senior staff had stopped us for going to meet the chairman of supertech and leave the other supertech employees to look this matter. All the employees of supertech are so rough, shrewd, self indulgent, cheater and working only for the unjustified welfare of the Superetch Chairman and have no sympathy & human morality to us neither nor any consumers and clients. We said that kindly refund our Rs 3 Lakhs as we actually paid at the time of booking but the supertech employees are adamant that they will deduct 15% i.e forty five thousand and the rest of the money will be return in 4-6 months time-frame . What this type of crooked activities the supertech may using for harming consumers who trapped by the Brokers thru criminal conspiracy by Supertech who have given full rights to sell their flats on large unjust commission basis for spreading by hook or by crook. The Supreme Court also made guidelines for the builder that no charge has to be taken by the builder of Car parking but the builders also charging car parking into their additional charges rate with the flat BSP Cost.

  5. Company made wrong Rule for their personal undue enrichment which is against and opposite of the Doctrine of Public Policy. That this Supertech first hide the complete unjustified Rule from the novice consumers who may innocently entrap in their property flats and after then when the customer wants to exit out from the booking flat this company in the Rule curtain against Indian law deduct 15% of the total amount paid to him and return the rest of the amount 85% in 4-5 months so that in the rest time period of the amount they also earned heavy interest and purchase new land for their projects in an unlawful and illegal business tactics. If the customer be unable to pay the demand money by the builder then this company also charge 24% heavy interest on agreed amount which they have not given any possession to consumers neither nor any consumer may taking advantage by living in their flat. It is totally bias that registrar of companies & other concerned authorities grant such Rule to make heavy loss to innocent consumers and the company flourishing thru illicit malpractices adopted by him and you grant power into their dirty hands to misuse the money for their personal undue advantage.

Now! We are writing to You to Take appropriate action how the notorious defame builder like Supertech & their accomplice underwriters who both have looting & exploiting the consumers and using their business tactics in the curtain of the Supertech and other offices and drafting the booking form in a illusion way putting terms and conditions on page 3 or page 4 in minute font instead on first page and copy terms and conditions after signing of booking form. We want our paid amount Rs 3.0 Lakhs in full get returned, without any unjust cutting as I am an only lady without any job support, without any husband support and alone and thought to but a one home in Delhi with my hard earned money thru private tuitions teaching. I have paid the check by myself and now round and round day to day accessing the supertech office in sector 58, Noida from Muzaffarnagar frequently in the hope that I will get my full amount Rs 3.0 lakhs in one single day.

My personal harassment and my misappropriation of my funds undue advantage has been taken by the supertech till yet which is an criminal offence.
Jun 25, 2012 05:47 PM Read

From Supertech Limited

Dear Neerad


Your case is already discussed and closed in our books as we have received letter of acceptance from you on 24 march 2012.

Note :- we rRajeev_Vermact our customtakeouters, and eager to resolve their queries/ Issues on first priority, you can write us on our official mail ID ie. Crm@supertechlimited.Com wherein we respond to our all customtakeouter’s query or else you can call also on our toll free no. 18001037676 or 0120-4724100 to help resolve your issue (for future references).


crm team
Mar 18, 2012 02:03 AM Read

On Sun, 3/18/12, neerad dwivedi wrote:

From: neerad dwivedi

Subject: Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED- customtakeoutER CODE- 1025804 UNIT NO-R0190A51108

To: "Supertech CRM Team", "Guneet Singh Sodhi"

Cc: "Eco Village -II",

Date: Sunday, March 18, 2012, 1:03 AM

Hi All, The group chairman Mr. RK Arora was the first ones to respond in all national newspapers that they will try to relocate the Shahberi affected flats else they will refund. But even after submitting the refund request for almost 5 months, I have no answers The most scary part of my story is in-spite of paying hard earned money of Rs. 11 Lacs(50% cost of Flat) I did not have any papers, land, project clarity. I was simply receiving lip service from multiple people. I was told that they are looking at allocating a flat on 14th Floor in Eco village -1 but not on papers only in imagination. I realised that everyone is simply trying to fool us by words and we were getting frustrated day by day. This continued even after I submitted the refund request and I told everyone very clearly that I am not going to pull back my request without any papers. I was told that the refund would be done within 60 days of refund papers submission. I did not receive any reverts after 60 days so I went to supertech office in Feb and met Mr. Sodhi, he noted the details in his diary and committed that it will be done by 15th March. While I was trying to find about the commitment of refund Mr. Sodhi one again tried to bully me as if I am an illiterate labourer and he is my boss. He bluntly asked me to go and contact anyone I feel like, he will continue talking in the same fashion. As per their commitment, me and my husband had gone to supertech office today afternoon(17th March)and wanted to take appointment with Mr. Arora. Ms. Rinkle met us outside the chairman’s office and said that he is busy in a meeting. She noted down our details and said that she had a word with Mr. Mohit Arora(son of Mr. R K Arora) and we will receive a call within an hour which will clarify that by when we will get our money back. We did not receive any call and after calling up, we were told that they are still in meeting and they will surely call. But no call received. thanks and regards, Jyoti Dwivedi

  • On Sat, 2/18/12, neerad dwivedi wrote:

From: neerad dwivedi

Subject: Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED- customtakeoutER CODE- 1025804 UNIT NO-R0190A51108

To: "Supertech CRM Team", "Guneet Singh Sodhi"

Cc: "Eco Village -II",,

Hi Guneet, We thank you for taking out time today to disuss on the refund of our money for the flat(details as mentioned in the subject line) the documentation of the same has been submitted as per the trail mail below. As per your commitment the refund amount will be handed over to us by mid of next month i.e. by 15th of March'12 hnce accordingly we are planning our exigencies. thanks and regards, Jyoti Dwivedi Mob-9818227875/09968704222

  • On Mon, 12/19/11, Supertech CRM Team wrote:

From: Supertech CRM Team

Subject: Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED- customtakeoutER CODE- 1025804 UNIT NO-R0190A51108

To: "neerad dwivedi"

Cc: "Eco Village -II",,

Date: Monday, December 19, 2011, 11:33 AM

Dear Sir,

Please be informed that your request for refund has been forwarded to our senior management & it is already under consideration; will inform you shortly for the status of your case.

Please bear with us.


Team CRM


On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 5:48 PM, neerad dwivedi wrote:

Dear All, Please expedite my case on priority and organize the refund as per your commitments within 90 days-please refer the mail trail. thanks and regards, Jyoti Dwivedi 9818227875

  • On Fri, 12/9/11, Eco Village -II * wrote:

From: Eco Village -II

Subject: Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED- customtakeoutER CODE- 1025804 UNIT NO-R0190A51108

To: "neerad dwivedi"

Cc: "Supertech CRM Team" ,

Date: Friday, December 9, 2011, 4:39 PM

Dear Sir, We have recived your request. Please be informed that there are no pending issues whatsoever in Eco Village-2 apart from shabheri affected . Moreover the matter of home loan for Eco village projects is under special consideration and financing should be available before long.

As of now we are finalizing the re-allotment process for the affected units and we will inform you in coming weeks. So please bear with us, will reach you shortly with next course of actions.

Thanking you for your continued support!

Regards, Team CRM .

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 6:22 AM, neerad dwivedi wrote:

Dear All, I am highly surprised by the recently recieved communication. I have been asked to forward the papers for processing of refund as I fall into effected Shahberi area and I did not like the option you have provided me. I am 100% clear that after spending 2-3 days in discussing with multiple officials in your organization, geeting the paper work done and submitting the papers as per the process described by your officials, I am counting the number of days by when I will get my payment. As explained multiple time in my communication thet I am in urgent need of money doe to some personal emergencies, Please help processing my payment asap and confirm.

thanks and regards, Jyoti Dwivedi

  • On Mon, 11/7/11, neerad dwivedi wrote:

From: neerad dwivedi

Subject: Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED- customtakeoutER CODE- 1025804 UNIT NO-R0190A51108

To: "Supertech CRM Team" ,

Cc:, Date: Monday, November 7, 2011, 6:06 PM

Dear Team, This is with reference to you mail and subsequently our visit to your office for collection and submission of documents for refund due to non availability of my Flat in Eco village-2. I have submitted all the documents as per the list provided to me, and the same has been vetted and accepted by the person deputed from your organization for this activity on 5th Nov'11. Inspite of spending almost the whole day there, I did not receive a clear answer from any person on the date of refund and and% of interest on the Payments done by me. On the contrary Mr. Puneet who is managing the soft handling for the effected customtakeouters tried to bully me and was very- very dry. Your organization is ranked one of the Largest in India and are a leader in North India in builders and developers community.

This is a very small issue for an organization of your reputation and stature. I am sure that your organization will create a precedent for other organizations and stand to its commitement on immediately process my request for the refund. I am dRajeev_Vermarately in need for this money to resolve some ongoing personal crisis. I request your urgent intervention and help in providing me the information on the date by when I can expect the whole payment and the rate of interest of payments. awaiting your reply, thanks and regards, Jyoti Dwivedi mob-9818227875/ 9968704222 - On Sat, 10/15/11, neerad dwivedi wrote:
Nov 04, 2011 01:30 PM Read

I had purchased a flat with this builder in 2007. I am waiting till now for the possession. There is no visibility on possession, each time the date shifts. The penalty on delayed possession is paltry compared to huge interest and emi burden that I am facing. Very poor support from management. I am very disappointed. There was a promise of sharing the financial burden due to this huge delay by Supertech but when it comes to respecting it, again there is no response. The property is in Supertech Czar Suites, Greater noida.
Aug 03, 2011 05:13 PM Read

Supertech doesn’t have ethical business practices. Customer is least priority after getting the booking amount.

I have booked a flat at their Cape town project with a booking amount of Rs. 50, 000/- after 2 months of waiting my cheque got debited but I haven’t got any call from Supertech. Office regarding confirmation of my booking. After several followups at their office I came to know that they have booked some other flat for me. I requested for a flat no. 203 & they have booked flat no 204 which is facing exactly the opposite direction. When I requested for the flat no. 203 I was tolled its no more available & it doesn’t matter u r getting a flat with same area.

When I requested to cancel my booking and refund the amount, they are planning to deduct Rs. 25000/- as the cancelation charges.


1) Any kind of editing on application form and changing the direction/flat no. without intimating the customer doesn’t matter for them.

2) Customer relationship executives are very rude, they’ll take days to find out your file and tell you exact status of your booking.

3) Customer executives never pick the phone numbers they provide on their business cards.

4) Customer executives may promise to reply with in next 2 days but their 2 days doesn’t get over for next 1 month.

5) You may not get a chance to discuss your matter with any senior executive.

6) Supertech doesn’t follow the terms and conditions they have mentioned at the application form.
May 29, 2011 02:18 AM Read

Supertech is the face of builders in India today. This is a product of flawed real estate laws in India. They do not have any moral, ethics and have eye on your money and would say any lie to get money out of your pocket. After booking with time you would slowly come to know about their real story.

Very carefully read each and every line of builder buyer agreement. Although no builder is good in NCR but this is one of the worst. You must go through various discussion forums available online about supertech and you would come to know about their deeds. Beware of this builder. Best of luck!!
Jun 29, 2010 10:40 AM Read

I invest my money in supertech projects "Eco citi" And "cyane Heights" after investd the money in both projects, I read the review about the supertech on mouth shut and I felt I took a wrong decision but after that I went to noida authority and enquired about the project oF Cyane Heights. Than I feel relax because its a legal approved projects by Noida authority. I talk about the service and construction from the previous customer of supertech Mr Amardeep singh (emrald court) and he said to me that we could not compare it with ATS but overall it's a nice builders.
Jan 25, 2010 01:52 PM Read

Supertech is nothing more than a fraud organization.

Firstly they did not deliver the possession on time. It was 1 year late.Secondly, when we moved in the quality delivered is so bad that we have seepage problem in bathroom, kitchen & bed rooms.

Thirdly, when you go to them for any complaint, they simply don't listen to you, instead they say things like, do what you want, we are not responsible for repairs. Can someone tell them that for 1 year from date of possession, they are bid by law to provide maintenance & repairs.

They charge you like anything and when it comes to service, they are zero. Once you have booked a flat or given them money, they start treating you like strangers.
Mar 19, 2009 02:17 PM Read

Supertech, although they are wellknown. The inthing is they are not trustworthy. They promise you a different thing from what they actually do. They are totally dishonest and difficult builders.

They do ask you money for booking by forcing you and would promise to return to you if you donot wish to buy. But the scene can be different later once you say, you have dropped the idea of buying. They will not return you back even a single amount of your booking amount and turn 180 degrees to say that we agreed to buy once and second chance cannot be given.

They would say they never promised anything and no chances can be done, not even afraid of consumer complaints. Its better to go on for builders who be straighforward not just in written but verbally too. It just bring nightmares to us to deal with such kind of builders They only look for looting people with no good service. You may find another builder but these builders are horrible.

Showing: 81 - 96 Reviews on Supertech - Noida


Supertech - Noida

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