Sobha Developers - Bangalore Image

Sobha developers maintain best standards!

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Hyderabad India

Sobha developers maintain best standards!
Nov 23, 2013 01:06 PM 465583 views
(Updated Nov 25, 2013 12:57 PM)

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Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Sobha Developers Limited, said, “Despite the economy growing below 5%, increasing concerns on high interest rates, continuing inflationary pressures and the steep depreciation of Indian Rupee, our performance has been operationally better vis-à-vis the previous quarter. We have sold 1 million square feet of new space compared to 0.95 million square feet in the same quarter last year. The sales value in Q2’14 has increased to 6, 323 Million from 5, 274 Million in Q2’13. The average price realisation has increased to 6, 304 per square feet from 5, 575 per square feet a year ago.”

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