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Liars and Cheaters

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Liars and Cheaters
Jun 16, 2015 04:03 PM 19083 views

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I strongly recommend not to buy flats from them. The marketing executives are very sweet in the initial stages until you make half payment. After that nobody responds on any issues.

I had to literally follow up on every small things while the flat was being constructed. Their engineers are inexperienced and font know anything about the construction industry. Moreover we have to follow up 10-15 times for a small work to get done.

They also change the people on site almost every 15 days and we have to explain all the issues to each person when there's a change. After much of follow up my flat was completed 6 months after their promised date.

Now it comes to final instalment of payment and handing over the documents. The day i said i am ok to take the possession marketing executive calls me immediately to clear payment. He calls me 5 times in a day for payment. Though there was 6 months delay in completion even 1 day they won't wait for payment.

And after the payment was done, I still have not got the complete set of clearance documents. When i call up the marketing executive the does not pick the calls. I called up office and escalated. He calls me and abuses me.

When i said you promised to give the documents immediately after collecting the payment, he said, I did not ask him the documents and until i ask they wont give.

What the hell of a marketing person he is? Is he not aware that once everything is cleared documents should be handed over. I literally had to fight with him to get my own set of documents even after paying the full amount. And the documents received were partial and still few are still pending and the executive still does not pick my calls.

Only option left for me is to go and scream in their office in front of other customers, so that they are ashamed of the people they have hired for marketing.

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Comments on Shivaganga Infra - Bangalore Review

Good review, we had more or less similar experience!

By: nanagarathna | Feb 29, 2016 02:45 PM

Good review, we had more or less similar experience!

By: nanagarathna | Feb 29, 2016 02:45 PM

I couldn't agree more with @wellwisher1...Once the registration was over, they are hardly interested in Finish938844ing the work & work is going @ a damn slow pace...For doing 20mins of electrical work, he took nearly 1 month & the guy name is Pu...roshotham!  Read More

By: jkhare | May 04, 2016 12:19 PM