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Jan 28, 2019 12:43 PM 3736 views (via Mobile)
(Updated Dec 24, 2019 09:51 AM)

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I have booked the apartment in 2014, in tower T3, i am also a part of WA group, I have seen so many negative thoughts and comments on the group, which was disheartening that the customers were devaluing their own house, i met them in one of the forums and told them so, they were not at all understandable, the market was and is bad , with a backing of ASK, i was sure that this project will be completed, today all the negative comments should gulp down, the finish of the completed apartment is such wonderful i dont think any other builder has given so far, I never posted even one comment on the WA group but was a very silent spectator. I met two senior gentlemen one was Thurakia and the other was CEO, they were very confident and that how my confidence built, yes they should have completed well ahead of time, other than delays this project is wonderful, with this I shall not post any further comments , Thank you Pashmina for the apartment, I am a proud owner

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