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Mumbai India

Buyers beware
Apr 08, 2013 01:37 AM 19563 views

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Omkar has rapidly grown in the city of Mumbai by navigating the governmental system for slum redevelopment projects. However, my dealings with the organization have reflected a culture where there is complete lack of transparency and fair dealing.

I bought in their two of their projects in Mumbai a few years back. There are significant (several years) delays in their projects but no compensation has been uniformly provided to buyers. Instead I recently learnt that Omkar is cutting side deals with buyers that are threatening to sue the company.

So basically my advice to any one reading this review is that "everything is negotiable at Omkar". They will tell you that "compensation cannot be given for delays" but in reality it is a "free for all" and I have seen various examples of side dealings and compensation through extra free space, parking, etc.

Rather sad that a company that could have built a good name in Mumbai is doing business in such an unprofessional way, and making false representations to buyers.

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Comments on Omkar Realtors and Developers - Mumbai Review

I am not supporting Omkar ( i have bought a flat in Alta monte) some brokers are spreading these rumors in the market. I know may customers who have bought a flat and nobody perceives Omkar as a unprofessional brand. Best part was that I met the CMO...of Omkar is available to all its customers for redressal issue. Its sad and shockng when rumors of unprofessionalism become viral  Read More

By: vishal_mgk | Apr 08, 2013 03:16 PM

Yea I complettely agree

By: jayanthsvjay10 | Jan 09, 2016 03:26 PM

Completely agree with your review

By: sddwivedi2 | Feb 10, 2016 03:50 PM