Nitesh Estates - Bangalore Image

Not Trustworthy Builder

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Not Trustworthy Builder
Mar 23, 2017 12:09 PM 29820 views
(Updated Mar 23, 2017 12:13 PM)

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Don't fall prey to their nice talks, marketing, Ads and Virat Kohli's Ads. They are number one cheaters. Their words and communications doesn't have any value. They will be very nice when you are booking an apartment but you will come to know their reality after 1-2 years. They literally struggle to complete any of their projects. They just put blame on contractor and other people to escape. Their customer care is worst when they start failing to hand over the project.

I booked an apartment with them in 2011 thinking there are very good developers but till today even after 6 years I haven't got possession of my apartment. They never give compensation. If you ask they say they don't have funds to compensate nor complete the project. Also their CRM team send threatening email when you ask some questions withholding the payment or seek clarification.

Beware of this Builder!

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