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JR Greenpark - illegal layout. legal case pending

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JR Greenpark - illegal layout. legal case pending
Feb 26, 2015 11:07 PM 18362 views
(Updated Feb 26, 2015 11:32 PM)

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I bought a site in JR greenpark few years ago, when I am planning for a construction I came to know that basic amenities like sewerage, electricity cabling is missing. Even the STP(sever treatment plant) is not installed. I personally visited & done a survey & found that really these are missing.

Only the entrance is beutified to attract customers. But the ground reality is upside down. I even doubt that this layout is BMRDA approved. some portion of the layout is encroached & legal case is pending in court.

The developer call it as a gated community but the reality is that boundary walls are broken & portion of layout roads are enchroached by locallites. There is a great threat to the safety of residences.

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