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Proactive lifestyle workshop at Gera Greensville

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Proactive lifestyle workshop at Gera Greensville
Apr 01, 2017 06:46 PM 22605 views (via Mobile)

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Gera brought us a lifestyle workshop on the 25th and 26th March 2017, on how to be Pro-active with regard to our health habits. The workshop made me realise as to why taking care of a woman's health is of utmost importance. One, because a woman is a'household management consultant' and thus if she imbibes healthy habits and healthy lifestyle, entire family is going to eat healthy and be healthy. Two, simply because only a woman can truly take care of herself, as her family depends on her for her support. So I am thankful to Gera for understanding this importance of women's health and for bringing such workshop.

The workshop taught us how a woman's body and thus her health needs are different. Healthy recipes and essential diet components with their were shared. The information was presented by the instructor in a scientific and convincing manner. We were taught basic and essential workout routine which I am going to follow everyday. Some basic self-defence techniques were also taught which are important in today's age.

So overall I am thankful to Gera for inspiring me and my family to truly outdo ourselves by bringing us such worthwhile activities in the society. These endeavours are also building a community which shares such progressive vision. Hoping to see more programmes on following topics - yoga, stress management, parenting, zumba

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