We bought a property in Arihant Anshula. That is the biggest mistake we have ever made in our life. Here during the covid time, they conducted elections and we were not able to do the voting due to covid protocol. We opted for online voting which the builder denied and somehow they managed to form the Adhoc Committee. From now onwards the real problem started. According to the study conducted by the technically qualified Engineers, it has been proved that there is no water shortages in this society and we have submitted all the reports to the Adhoc Committee. But still, they are denying us the water supply and when we question them they will start yelling and shouting at us just like gundas. So everybody is keeping their mouth shut and when we start complaining about the water shortage, they will lock us in the room and will start to shout and threaten us. Builders are very cool and without solving our problems they managed to form the society. So beware of buying property from Arihant. Already we fell into this trap. So others shouldn't suffer by buying property from Arihant. Because of the gundadari of the office bearers, we are finding it very difficult to stay here. The most saddest part is that till now we are having ample water for the society but due to mismanagement we are denying all these facilities. So we already fell into this trap others make sure before you buy property from Arihant.Flush water is so dirty and we ask the Adhoc Committee to get it corrected by the builder. But they are not ready to go and meet them and when we ask about the quality of flush water, they are saying that they can give only this type of water. STP is already provided by the builder but it is not functional due to technical issues. But they are not ready to get it fully operational by the builder. Really very pathetic condition in Anshula. Think twice before you buy property from Arihant.We can't even sell this house since we don't want others to get cheated because of us.supply. Here we have provided every proof showing that there is no water shortage in this society. Still, builders and Adhoc committee are keeping quiet. they are going to stop the water supply. Already due to their torture, in some wings, they have installed water tanks in their flats. Here too they are trying to implement it so that they can bring tankers to the society. Tomorrow most probably we won't have water supply in our block. Strange part is that wherever office bearers are staying, they provide water in these blocks. So think twice before you buy the property from Anshula.Here lots of old people and babies are there. But still, they are torturing us and everybody is scared because of their harsh behaviour.We don't know when they are going to stop it. We had already found out on several occasions that the MCB is being switched off, closing the valves of overhead tanks unnecessarily to create water shortages. Builder is not even bothered to hear our complaints. Customer care of Arihant is so bad that they are talking to us so rudely that we are forced to disconnect the phone. But Sales department of customer care is very smart in making us fall into their trap.they are going to stop the water supply. Torturing the residents is their main hobby. How many times we told them to provide their report through NBH. But they are refusing to do so.We already checked the underground tank and saw that it is more than half full. Either they are closing the valve or deliberately not pumping the water to the OH tank. Really miserable situation to stay in Arihant property with these types of gundadari activities. We stayed in so many apartments but this is the first time we are facing this type of torture from the Adhoc Committee members.We can't even contact the security guard through their phone numbers. What is happening here? We can't understand. Office bearers are not even ready to pick up the phone. Really suffocating to live here. Still, we don't have any clue regarding water scarcity.Our full money got wasted by buying this property. Already paying monthly maintenance which is of no use to us.No water, No security guards to contact and lots and lots of gundadaari activities going on here.Yesterday the torturing was at the peak and we are forced to install tanks in our flats. A big syndicate is running here along with the residents staying here. We have written a lot of e-mails to the builder regarding the intermittent water supply. But they don't have any interest to solve this issue.THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU BUY ANY PROPERTY FROM ARIHANT.Spending lakhs of money to buy this flat and because of the gundadari, we are forced to install tanks, even if water is there on the borewell. Already proved to the Adhoc by qualified people. But all for their personal gains, innocent people like us got trapped.
We already asked the bank statement so that everyone staying here know what all expenses they have made with our maintenance amount.But they are not ready to share all the details with the residents staying here .Due to their irresponsible and arrogant behaviour, we all got trapped by buying this property.Moreover that water coming flush is too bad and strong chemical smell is coming from tap water .
Please check thoroughly before you buy any property
We never thought Arihant will create such consequences to the residents staying here
Don't buy any property from Arihant since they have cheated us without the completion of the service equipments and really we are fully trapped in this society.
Adhoc committee members are totally useless and they are playing withour lives.
In Arihant Anshula, the office bearers are creating unnecessary water shortages .We have already submitted the report stating that there is ample waterto the builders as well as to the office bearers and there is no need of tankers coming to this society.Almost all are middle class people and unnecessarily wastingmoney is not acceptable by the residents staying here.
Now they are giving 1hour water supply to this society and please note, how we are going to do all our household chores with one hour water supply and that too with very very low pressure.
Strange part is that they only published that there is water shortage and within four days after this notice they cleaned the water tanks. Have you ever heard of cleaning water tanks during summer and that itself proves that there is no shortage of water here .For their personal gains, they are putting us into trouble.
Don't buy any property from Arihant since they won't take any responsibility to save us from these type of cruelties since they only elected these office bearers during covid.
If we ask them to submit their study report and publish it in NBH, they will start yelling and spoke to us very arrogantly.
When we try to speak to the builders, they will say that they are not sitting there to supply water.So please think before buying any property from this builder since they will cheat you.
Flush Water is very very dirty and now they have stopped giving that water too.STP is non-functional for the past 2 years.Big mistake and now regretting to buy a flat from this builder.I can't upload any photos since that option is not working.
Residents staying in 3 bhk is most affected since they have stopped the flush waterand the water from other taps came only for 45 minutes with very low pressure with which it is impossible to fill buckets.
Why can’t the builder come and stay here for a few hours to understand the helpless situation of the residents staying here and do an thorough investigation.Evenif we call the office bearers, either they spoke to us very arrogantly, won’t answer our calls or they had gone outside putting us into trouble.
Without flush water how we are going to manage and the water from taps is coming only for 1 hour.
It is better not to buy this property.They are planning to build a flat nearby this society.So please think well before making any decision
Water came for 40 minutes and that too with very very low pressure.When we ask for proof, they will start yelling at us.We have already noticed on several occasions that they are either unnecessarily closing the valves or switching off the pump to create water shortages in the society and torturing the residents staying here.
Water coming from flush is so dirty and that too is coming drop by drop and the builder is not at all looking into these matters.
Why can’t the builder send some engineers to this site and do a study?Because we have noticed that the pump is being switched off throughout the night or they are closing the valves to create water shortage.If the pump is switched throughout the night, definitely there will be water scarcity.So engineers should stay here and do a detailed study about what is going on in this society.
Without water in the flush, what is the use of flush tank?
Water is so dirty and that itself is not coming.STP is non -operational for years
Really living here is far from living in a hell.
Water from flush is coming drop by drop.Still it hasn’t filled .From morning onwards flush condition is like this.Uploaded photo for proof
We can’t understand why the builder is not asking them to show the report for water shortage?So ARIHANT can cross check with their design team to save the residents from this mental torture.Simply cutting down the water supply from morning onwards and giving mental stress to the residents and that too without any proof for water scarcity.While submitting the report, ask them to publish in NBH app so everybody including the engineers staying here can cross check.When we ask them for a detailed study with them, they will start yelling .So we find it very difficult to communicate with them.
Flush water is still not coming for the past 5 days in master bedroom.We are compelled to use the RO water to flush the toilet and they are claiming that there is water shortage.Flush is not designed to be filled with bucket.
STP itself is not functioning and so we are getting very bad quality water for flush and that too is not available for the past 5, 6 days
Still the flush water is not coming in our master bedroom.If it continue like this, we will be forced to write in other online review platforms and thereby this will become international.We spend so much lakhs and denying the basic amenities is not at all recommendable .
We want our STP to become operational again and should provide flush water.
Now the water coming from taps fully stopped and that didn’t even came for 15 minutes in bathrooms.Definitely they are switching off the pump or closing the valve of overhead tanks.Otherwise allow the engineers staying in this society to take readings with the office bearers and sort out this issue.Why don’t they allow us?That itself proves that something is not right here.If the builder is keeping quiet, then we have to publish all these torture in social media.
If they have switched off the pump, then there will be water shortage.
Now we don’t have flush water as well as RO water.For their personal gains, they are unnecessarily creating water shortages.
So please don’t buy Arihant property.You will get into trouble Without completion of jobs, they will form Adhoc committee and they start their torturing .
If in case they do the study by switching off the motor pump throughout the night, then how they are going to get the correct output?So builders should check thoroughly since they are very manipulative.
Without water in kitchen, bathrooms and flush how we can survive here?Let the Builder come and stay here for a few hours.Then they will understand the miserable condition of the residents here.How canOld people, kids can use the bathroom?While collecting money for buying this flat, if we delay the payment for a week you will charge late payment fine.Now what you are doing there? Just sitting and watching the torture of these office bearers.
From morning onwards we are waiting for the water to come.Now by 6 p.m.water started to come with very very low pressure. Taking around 15 minutes to fill 1 bucket.Within 30 minutes water is going to stop.Simply switching off the motor pump to create unnecessary water shortages in this society and nobody is there to control them.Even the builder is under their control.We are very very disappointed to have a flat here.
We don’t have water in other bathrooms .Flush has just become an antique piece .For the past1 week we don’t have water in flush too.
Still we don’t have any report regarding water shortages in this society.
If they wish to bring tankers, the residents staying her do not have any issue.Let the office bearers and builders handle the expenditure for the tankers.Since we already told that there is no need for the tankers here and if you again wish that the tankers should come, let the builder and the office bearers handle the cost.
Anyway, you have removed my review from android devices.That is a proof that the builder and office bearers are not interested to solve the problem.Blocking our views further proves your guilt in providing the basic necessities to the customers who have spent hard earned money on the property.
That is why the office bearers are continuing their torture of the residents.Today we didn’t have water supply in both the bathrooms and flush is also not working.Builder and office bearers seem to have no conscience the way they are troubling the residents especially when there are old people, young kids and pregnant ladies in the campus who have to use the bathroom frequently.
We already observed that water is overflowing from the OH TANKS and office bearers are saying that there is water shortage.Builders are hiding the fact.
Today too there is no water in flush.Luckily we don’t have any guests staying here.Anyway we won’t recommend ARIHANT anymore.Earlier we used to mention that if we have any problem in our flat ARIHANT always supported us.Now it stopped.
Moreover STP is not working and you are still under the control of these gunda type office bearers .
It has been weeks we haven’t water in flush.DON’T YOU HAVE ANY CONSCIENCE to support these office bearers.You do one thing, Anyway you are with office bearers .Bring thetanker and you both pay for it
To removethe review from android devices, you had taken this much pain.That means you know it is going to affect your reputation.If you are a real buissnessman, you would have done something to get it corrected and now you proved yourself that you are just doing this for your own benefit.
Still we don’t have water in the flush in master bedroom.We are inviting the builder to come and stay in our apartment and please share your valuable experience.Today evening we don’t think we are going to get water in bathrooms.Yesterday it didn’t come.
Have you ever seen in any of the social media platform in which residents complain about the builder and adhoc?So it is very clear that they will solve the problem at the earliest.Here you are just supporting these office bearers and torturing the residents without any limit and that too by creating unnecessary water shortages.During rainy season too these guys willface water shortages.
Anyway we won’t recommend this builder to our siblings and relatives .If you are a good builder you should have corrected just like the other reputed builders and not supporting these adhoc.
See the condition of flush water from morning onwards.The flush tank water is coming in 2 bathrooms. How come flush water is not comingin 3 bhkMaster bedroom.Water is coming to all bathrooms from the same OH tank.So. they purposefully closing the valve or not filling it correctly and troubling the residents.Why do the builder and Adhoc want to do such cruelties to the residents staying here and that too without submitting any report regarding water shortage.
Moreover STP is not working and they are giving muddy water for flush and that too they are denying for the past 1 week by closing the valve or not filling the OH TANK correctly.
See the violent activities in Anshula and nobody is there to control them.
Still we are getting drop by drop of water in master bedroom’s flush.It is taking more than 8 hours to fill it.Definitely they are either NOT FILLING THE OH TANK CORRECTLY OR PURPOSEFULLY CLOSING THE VALVE.These type of cruelties are happening here.They don’t have any respect towards the elders since we are finding it very difficult to use the bathroom since they are giving drop by drop water to the flush
Unnecessarily closing the valves, adjustment in float valve switch and without pumping water in the overhead tanks is still continuing in Anshula society by the office bearers(Saajan Bansal, Jaik)Builder is still not taking any action against them for torturing the residents staying here.Pressure of the water is so low that we can’t even fill 1 bucket of water since the water supply is available for one hour .
Very very pathetic condition.
Without any proper documents they are still saying that the bore water level has been reduced.Now they are saying that they are planning to dig a new borewell.We can’t understand the logic behind that.It is pretty much clear that there is water here in the borewell.Totally wasting our money for their personal gains.Engineers staying here are ready to do a detailed study which they are totally denying and because of the builder and the corrupted office bearers we are getting into trouble.
It is a big mistake that we bought this third rated property
Today we got only 15 to 20 minutes water supply throughout the day and that too with very very low pressure.
This is the reply from the office bearers .They have stated all the issues that is happening in this society.Without solving these issues the took the handover process from the builder.And now they are saying about all these outstanding dues.
Moreover without any study, they published that there is a significant reduction in the bore water well.That itself shows the mismanagement and corruption of the office bearers.They clearly mentioned that they should bring tankers in order to compensate the water level reduction.If they are very much confident that there is water level shortage, publish it trustworthy without doing any adjustments in the flow meter .
We can’t understand why the builder is supporting these corrupted office bearers and why the builder is not even bothered to support the innocent residents staying here?Quite disgusting.
We had attached the screenshot published by the admin.I We had uploaded it.It may take a few hours.
We are getting muddy water and that too they are denying and simply creating unnecessary water shortage's.It is high time for the builder to take necessary action legally against the corrupted office bearers for denying the basic amenities and mentally torturing the residents especially old people, children and pregnant ladies.
One more thing, if you want to bring tankers you can but we are not going to give any money for that since you are doing this only for your personal gains and for that we are not ready to give our hard earned money to fill your pocket.Definitely registrar should get involved .Builder is not at all ready to take action against these corruptions going on in this society.They are not letting us to live peacefully .How we are going to survive if they supply water for 15 minutes and that too without any pressure.
See the next notice published by the office bearers.For the past 4 days we are having water supply throughout the day.We were quite relieved.But now they have published that they had flushed all the borewell and that too during summer when they are claiming that there is water shortage.This is done only to bring tankers
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