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A labour chowk mistri has more ethics than Amrapal
Review On Amrapali, Noida

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A labour chowk mistri has more ethics than Amrapal
May 20, 2015 03:08 PM 27257 views

Customer Service:

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My apartment was booked in 2009 in Amrapali Sapphire with a contract of delivery in December 2011. There was a grace of 6 months, which makes the delivery date June, 2012. At time of writing this review(May, 2015- delay of 3 years next month) the aparment is still far from possession. Let me tell you the worst part- no one in their office is interested to listen to you. Their CRM staff is one of the worst you'll come across- they would NEVER respond to your phone call. The only way of contacting them is to take a day off and go sit in their office- and hope that they would meet you. But even if they do meet you, they would not resolve your problem, be sure of that- all you would get is hollow promises and a big bunch of lies(which they have become quite good at doling out, by the way). It's a perfect case study for Customer-Relationship Mismanagement. But I'm sure they take their cue from the top brass in the company.

Like me, you can pay all your instalments(demands from them) on time, but be quite sure, their delivery would be years late. In the meanwhile your instalments on your loan and/ or rental are on.

I also implore you to be not fooled by the penalty clause built into your agreement.Amrapali would stuff a newspaper in your face showing loose media reports in some shady hindi daily akhbaar of work stoppage/ labour blockage in Noida by farmers(which actually happened in Greater Noida) and tell you this is called force'll be lucky if you saw half of that penalty money.and forget about any interest on that.

I have experiece with some other builders and these ones are the worst of the lot. At time of sales, they'll show you hawaii kile, but the ground reality would be far from it.

Please go speak to some residents who have been lucky enough to get possession(not without their share of painful waiting, mind you), and speak to other property agents, etc. before parting with your hard earned money.Amrapali appears to have not even half the funds compared to the project work they are handling.and with no funding in sight(for most of the real estate players, not only Amrapali), most projects are seriously doomed for unrealistic delays and, be very sure, also corner cutting in terms of sub-standard raw material usage, designs, finishing, workmanship, etc.

Last, I would also like to draw your attention to the authority related problems that Amrapali was facing- I'm confident that it has not yet been resolved.they owed money to Noida authority due to which the authority had informed banks and other financial institutions and the end result was that housing loans' disbursals from these banks and institutions for Amrapali projects(at least in some projects, if not all) had stopped- later on the banks resumed loans in cases where they had already disbursed funds earlier, but I'm not sure if they are entertaining fresh cases. I heard some sale and transfer related registry work had also been blocked by the authorities owing to the same non payment of dues.

If you are an existing owner, my sympathies.I am in the same boat as you.If you are, on the other hand, thinking of investing in Amrapali, please speak to some existing owners and form your own opinion, rather than feeling sorry later. All the best!

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