Let me start at the beginning.?
I was going to buy duke200 I got to know that Mojo has been launched on Oct 16 but no advertisement has been done in my area so decided to call up mahindra showrooms.surprisingly all numbers provided were either off or wrong.somehow got address from website& located the showroom and visited.the place doesn't even look like a showroom bike couldnt be seen from outside not even a single photo or sign was present.went inside.there was this black machine Mojo displayed.I instantly liked the bike& my first words were wow.
The sales manager was inattentive. he was talking to 3 different people& his phone on the same time.ugh.patiently I waited for my turn but he was not much informed.I told him to give me a test ride was made to wait half hour before I got the test ride& they didn't have enough petrol for 5KMS ride.I took the bike for short ride.I loved it then.1st I was told bike is readily available.
I booked the bike then& there& then was told to register online& waiting for 20 days.after a few days I read some reviews online{which obviously are not up to date or false}, then I had some questions about the bike.I cconnected with M2All online& those guys have no idea about the bike.I asked some basic questions which they had wrong information or no info at all even the showroom sales guys.
I asked.
What is the mileage
Answer 1 22
Answer 2 40 both wrong
What is service duration and cost
A1 3 months 3000? approx
A2 365 days or 7500KMS 2500? approx
Does taking out DB killers void my warranty
A1 Yes
A2 Maybe or No
Then I had doubts about wheather I should buy this bike or no.
The went back to showroom.it was shut coz of Diwali Holidays?
I waited 5 days.In between I got in touch with a technical guy from Mahindra who provided me with all the right information.20 days later.
I went to showroom to collect my bike& to my suprise the bike was standing opposite showroom& few local guys were sitting on the bike like it was their Bed.I got so pissed& had a word with the sales guys.he said "maine un logo ko hatne k liye bola phir bhi aake baith ja rahe hain aap hatwa do unko"& his senior was talking very rudely like he was giving me the bike for free.Meanwhile the guys were enjoying the bike pressing buttons playing with fuel tank lock clicking selfies?This made me furious.& then I refused to accept the bike I called the owner of that showroom& asked him to arrange other bike or return my cheque.I was then told to wait for 10 days.I said return my money now.after so much arguing he agreed to arrange me other bike late in evening. After all this the owner accepted his mistake& I was told that he had no idea about all this happening& how are customers being treated.That ruined my mood.I got the bike delivery around 9:45p.m.huff?
Now the review part.?
The bike looks manly& awesome.It looks like a combination of Triumph Street& Ducati Scrambler.Even sounds like older models of Ducatis older model bikes?
It has twin headlights very bright road clearly visible at night{Projector headlamps chould have been an added advantage.sic.Even Pulsars have it since long time}
It also has l.e.d. DRLs.looks like a owls face.It has a face like it came out from Decepticon TRANSFORMERS.
The radiator cover looks like Animal Claws very Fierce& eye catching
Gold coloured chasis front to back
Paint quailty is good.Chould have been better.the showroom chould have provided with paint protection coating.?
Inverted front suspension& monoshock behind Gives excellent& very comfortable ride.
300cc Liquid cooled engine is smooth.
Riding position is of a tourer bike very comfortable .The back seat should have been slightly bigger.?
It gives mileage from 28-33 depending on riding conditions
The speedometer has bright blue l.e.d. lights
Digital Speedometer& Analog Rpm
Shows all information
Fuel Indicator
Top speed
Engine OK
Oil etc
The pickup of the bike is very good
Engine is well refined.you won't feel any vibration at all.
Maneuvering the bike is quiet easy.can be maneuvered easily through tight corners.Very stable at high speeds.you won't feel bumps and speedbrakers rubbing the underbelly of bike coz of good ground clearance.but you struggle to move bike during reversing it manually with legs while getting out from parking coz its on heavier side just like Royal Enfields.
It has twin eshausts sounds good for a single cylinder motorcycle with db killers.which chould be taken out to make it sound even meaner.haven't took out mine yet but heard another Mojo growl without them.?
BIke weight 162 dry& 182 kgs with full fuel
21 litres of fuel tank
Brakes are good.Even during Urgent braking bikes stops in seconds .front brakes chould have been better with more bite but its a heavy bike takes time stopping.It lacks ABS.It should have been standard fetaure with this kind of expensive bike.even pulsars have ABS now.?
The side stand chould have also been a little bigger
It has Pirelli Rosso tyres.excellent grip on any kind of roads.
A 6 feet guy like myslef can ride MoJo for hours without getting tired without worrying about refuelling{21ltrs tank}?
Will be giving bike for 1st servicing in few days& update more
All in all.
Its not a street fighter like duke or Cruiser like Royal Enfields.Its a class apart.Its a tourer.
Long tours or short city rides Mojo will definately Impress you.
If you like to cruise around this is definately the bike for you.
Smooth& Comfortable are the words
Good Mileage for its class.
Eye catching looks.
(when I went to apply my registration no. People gathered around the bike asking lots of questions& admiring the bike)?
It is a Huge bike looks very small in photos.
Word for Mahindra Mojo Team.
This bike is A LION led by a Sheep.this bike can do that for you what pulsars did for Bajaj
Hire good photographers
Advertise your bike.All people who have money or are bikers are not online.
Provide correct information& training to your sales team about how to treat the customers.
Especially about basic questions asked like mileage, service costs, warranty.
TRAIN M2ALL& back office executives.they have no idea.
Provide adequate time for test rides of bike
See to it what happened to me doesn't happen to others.it almost spoiled my day.
Add ABS& Headlight projector options
I am still waiting to hear from Mahindra about accessories available.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.