Since this is the time when LML introduced the LML DALIEM, and also the BOX type structure , starting from the vehicle adreno....and listing out to the Beamer cuurently...
This box type structure which is generally used in racing bikes gives tremendous stability and grip on the road, that the bike will not loose and will be comfortable in handling the extra POWER boost or speed if added...
So these are some things which I came across.....
The figures of POWER and TORQUE which I have quoted for K&N Air Filters in ’’MODIFICATION FOR BEAMER(as Triumph 99s)’’ are very small.
The COMPANY K&N claims that by adding a K&N air filter to any vehicle , there will be an increase in air flow by 50%(Now that’s TRUE), and an increase in 3 to 7 bhp of power .
Now, we see that just an increase in 3 to 7bhp of power in bikes of 1000cc(generaly these bikes have power more than 130bhp) is merely negligible ,
but increase in that quantity for commuter vehicles is like ’’mindblowing’’. YOUR bike gives 21bhp after fitting K&N filter(befor 14.1bhp)
So, strictly go for it........, Yes when I surveyed K&N air filters are most costlier filters available in the market, dealers were recomending me to fit low cost filters of same type like POSH( cost:- 250Rs)
Racing(cost:-650 RS approx) and etc....,
BUT don’t go for them , these are locally built, and have low air filtering capabilities(but sure that they also increase air flow) , gradually destroying your bikes engine...
There is also one thing that company claims..., is that by adding FIPK to your bikes there will be increase in 26bhp of power...
Now what does FIPK mean..?
I don’t know exactly the full form , but all I know is that it is a sort of fuel injection system which are genrally used in Racing Bikes(Moto GP) and is controlled by MICROPROCESSOR.
Yeah even our indian bikes ignition system is controlled by microprocessor.
But there is a fairly large difference between these two....
Heard of ’’Throttle switch’’ . yes our new genration indian bikes are fitted with these things, what they do???
IT is connected in between the carburettor and the throttle mechanism. it is sort of variable resistor(potentiometer)
or similar device,
When the trottle grip is twisted, the fully coiled spring which is connected to the caruberrator and the potentiometer moves,
The mechanism directs the fuel to flow into the cylinder and simultaneously changes the resistance of the potentiometer..., this change in the resistance is detected by the microcontroller which then directs CDI unit(Capacitor discharge Ignition System) to produce a high voltage pulses , which is transferred to H.T coil and finally to the spark plug...!!! and thus IGNITION...
What is the use of MICROPROCESSOR(mp)????
Well Microprocessor or microcontroller is programed with only a kind of few set of PROGRAMS, which decides how much voltage to be supplied at what resistance.
Caused by potentiometer.
well in the case of racing bikes, they are equipped with even higher capacity of microprocessors(mp’s) which have higher memory(not as much as in cars)
almost many set of programs are instructed..., the mp controls many sensors and similar devices, which can vary the engine performance radically(like it changes, fuel compression ratio, etc....) depending upon the environment, temp, exhaust levels, etc.....,
YES these are readily avialable in market ,but are very costly.
Instead we can only think about is changing the intake and exhaust systems and not meddling with electronic part,
So, increase in 3 to 7bhp of power from K&N and 2bhp of power by changing exhaust system(to expansion chamber) is more than enough for us indians, who constantly keep mileage in thier mind..!!!!
Good news(you already know!!):-- Expansion cahmber inmproves power but produces a lot of noise , to rectify this our very own BAJAJ has come up with EXHAUST TEC* which it’s operation is same as expansion chamber and boosting about 1.22bhp aaprox of power....there is no noise levels....,
Then strictly go for these two mods and increase your power level from 13.5bhp to 23bhp and enjoy not affecting the mileage!!!!
BY the BEST (even if it is costlier) OR don’t buy at all....
For more information about K&N filters and consumers reviews(almost all were positive) visit their website... or just type K&N in google......
THANKS for reading.......
I have rated Adreno becoz that was the best in it's class for those times......
Just like rating Win98 even though having Winxp....

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