Let me first make this clear that if you want to buy a bike for style, performance, image or just for the sake of your love of bikes, and have truckloads of your dad's money to spend, this bike is definately not the one for you.!
So, that leaves us with those people who, like me, belong to a creed of men that somehow managed to be left out of the economic boom. And have to work their arms and brains out at some middle-level clerical position to make a decent lifestyle possible for their families. I bought my Bajaj-Kawasaki 4s Champion way back in 1997 and this humble steed has been serving me for all these years with very little disobedience and a lot of satisfaction.
I ride to my office 10 kms from home six days a week. This journey of mine is through one of the narrowest, busiest and meanest streets of Ranchi where you have to fight for every inch of road space. Obviously, the clutch and the brakes are under extreme pressures all the time. Add to it the fact that this is my only means of personal transport, and so every day I end up riding it for atleast 5 kms extra on an average. So that makes it 155 kms every week, for the last 12 years.
The most amazing thing about this bike is its reliability. Not for one day has it failed to deliver me to my office or back to my home, safe and on time, unless of course if I had a puncture. As I ride it for long hours I can vouch for it that the comfort-level of this bike is quite adequate if not of a very high level. The suspension is a bit hard, although this gives stability at low speeds in the rough and tumble of the city roads. The handling is just about average-good, though improvements can be expected a bit.
Look-wise, the bike is ofcourse not a head-turner by any stretch of imagination, but with the years the look has somewhat grown on me and seems to match my own existence - A common ordinary man in the crowd. The bike gives me an average mileage of about 50-55 kmpl although you can attribute it to the dense traffic conditions as well as to the fact that I had the air screw tuned to give me a slightly better performance.
Performance is not something to write home about in this bike. In fact its performance is outrightly poor and even the guys on the Hero-Honda Splendors too outrace this bike to the traffic-lights. Sometimes I wish for a little more of performance from this beauty. Its the only thing that it truly lacks.
In these 12 years, I took care of the bike for about 3-4 years, since when it has gone without much of servicing, though ofcourse I religiously change the Engine, Gear and Brake oils regularly and feed it on XTRA-Premium petrol. The only thing thats gone kaput is the speedometer and the odometer and I have not repaired it for years. Also, the headlights are poor for riding at night.

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