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Bajaj Sunny Reviews

Bajaj Sunny
Dec 02, 2016 06:21 PM7052 Views (via Android App)

Hi to all my friends who are viewing my review. Bajaj is the wonderful company in the automobile industry. I have driven this scooter and my feeling is bad. Since my feeling is bad my satisfaction level with the product also very low. Some people will have dream scooter in their mind but this is not that for me.

nagpur India
Sunny........My Sweet Faithful Companion.
May 05, 2014 11:41 PM28305 Views

Sunny. My sweet faithful companion!

Since 1992, I have been using sunny with full confidence and pleasure. I love it like my own daughter. The present one is my second sunny. It has become old, most of the body parts are cracked and broken. Even then I cannot leave it. Parts are not available, still I ride this.

Why is Sunny been taken out of the market? Why has Bajaj Auto stopped making it? It is really an excellent vehicle for women (elderly) like us. It is so easy to control and handle, such a pleasure to ride and so cute looking. Can't the manufacturers start manufacturing it again?

I want to purchase one again. Is there anyone in Nagpur to sell a Sunny in good running condition? There is absolutely nothing I dislike about the product.

Mrs. Shikha Sengupta.


Great fuel efficiency for the bike
Dec 22, 2012 08:21 AM11413 Views

I have a sunny and I had been using for over 2 years now. The bike gives me a good feuel efficiency but the parts are not readily available locally. I would like to know where are parts available as I can see a cracy sound coming from the engine.

The local mechanis at Daryajunj said that the parts are only available with the bajaj repair center and I have no time to go there as there are long queues.


Bajaj Sunny
Aug 01, 2012 01:02 PM12644 Views


Dharwad India
Sunny My father's most favourite vehicle
Feb 08, 2012 09:21 PM12320 Views

My father has purchased a new sunny in Karwar. At that time I was not born and my sister 7 yrs older than me, had enjoyed with this vehicle was just at the age of 6 yrs, when My father had brought this vehicle.

Till now my family shares joys including this vehicle.

Now it has crossed20 yrs and till now it is perfect when compared in Karwar. It is the best vehicle for practicing. This vehicle just makes my father remember the times In Karwar.

After that we purchased a new Bajaj Saffire, as I Have updated its status in

mumbai India
Main Hoon Na...
Feb 21, 2010 05:22 PM12749 Views

I just want to tell everybody the sunny I use was bought 1990 by my brother for his wife to commute from malad to bandra. They had 2 daughters in the years ahead and then I was gifted the sunny. I have used it every day of my career to the airport and back to bandra. Doing shifts around the clock..but never did the sunny give me a days problem.

As of today, 20 years down the line, I have a son and also my sunny. Still use it to drop him to school in bandra. It is still a one kick start and go bike. I live by the ocean and still the body has remained remarkably well and the bike in running condition. Many a people have tried to dissuade me from using it saying it is out of fashion but never will I part with her.

Love my sunny.

Feb 28, 2005 11:33 PM17540 Views

I've got an interesting story to tell you.

I use a bajaj sunny to get around Madras City. This was bought in September of 1996 for my mother to commute to and from her office. It costed INR12,960. She had taken training but was scared after coming to know about the numerous accidents and reckless drivers on Mount Road. So, it lay unused or sparingly used for a long long time. I was just 11 years at that time therefore I could ride it only around our locality till about last october (age 19!) when I finally got my licence.

Till then, it had completed just around 3500kms (in 8 yrs!!!!). The mileage was just around 35kmpl and I felt it was poor. I then started using it regularly.

One day, an interesting thing happened. I felt a rush of blood and revved it up to about 50kmph or more!, then I suddenly released the accelerator and the engine powered down rapidly and started making a weird noise, sort of choked and died. I thought I had ruined the engine and it had gotten seized.

I gave it to a nearby mechanic (far better than the authorised bajaj servicemen) who said the engine had to be dismantled for the bore to be cleaned, and that some pores (for the oil) had gotten blocked.

After I got it back, it started performing really better! the mileage shot up to 45kmpl straight away, then over the next few days it increased to 49kmpl. Then once I had to get the carburettor cleaned (I used excess oil because the engine had just been wiped clean, but I continued the trend for a long time and it ended up blocking the carburettor). Then I had to make a few (phew!) trips to get the idling right (Too much idling and the efficiency will go down, too less of it and the engine kept turning itself off at traffic signals).

However, it still gives me a mileage of 47kmpl (last reading - late Feb 2005), and the idling is sound.

Oh, and when I was starting it last week, the accelerator cable snapped, and had to get it changed. Now the accelerator feels so smooth and easy. It had been rusted and clogged (I could see the mud and water when the snapped cable was removed) and the feeling wasn't so good before (which I realise now).

Now it feels like a new vehicle. It is metallic red in colour, and the exterior looks, well, really new (since it was sparingly used). The seat it still the original (with the SUNNY logo on the sides) it has just started opening up (naturally!, and I have to get the new lining done). I have recently installed a helmet lock (It looks awkward, but it really is useful). The engine sounds (and feels) new. The stepney (MRF NYLOGRIP) still remains unused.

I think, even though it is chronologically more than 8yrs old, its technically just probably a few months old!

This vehicle is more than enough for a person to commute around a city like Madras (speed limit 40 - 45kmph, which is in tune with the sunny's speed limit. And well, you got no opportunity to overspeed and drive at dangerous speeds!). The suspension is not so comfortable when you hit damaged portions of road. With a pillion, it struggles a bit on the pickup but gets better after speeding up. It is capable of carrying two persons comfortably. The stepney wheel is nicely placed, not occupying a lot of footboard space (the footboard too is spacious for this small vehicle). It has got some storage space beneath the seat (which does come in handy).

About the looks.... well, the styling is simple but cute. The fibreglass is flimsy, but that is why this vehicle is so light (unladen weight 60Kg!).

I still see a lot of the old Bajaj Sunny on road, some tattered and in ruins (but still running! what a spirit!), and some in excellent condition. I rarely see the newer model - Sunny Spice.

I am planning to keep this vehicle for as long as it is good.



Advantages of using a helmet: (the one with the visor is the best)

  1. Protects head from injury (you know....)

  2. Prevents dust from getting into your eyes and face (and hair!)

  3. If it rains.... your head is protected. (silly? but true!)

  4. Muffles the noise a bit (bah! the impatient honking!)

  5. Overall, it gives you a feeling of protected ness. (Your head is in a room with a view)

PLEASE WEAR A HELMET WHILE RIDING (and a seatbelt while driving).

Tiny but Cute
Aug 05, 2003 10:56 PM25323 Views


In the year 1991-92, I was on the look out for a two wheeler which I could buy for my wife Prema, for commuting to and from school. She was a student, oh sorry, a teacher. She had managed to keep all her limbs intact that far, I did not want her to go around breaking any. Oh did I tell you, she did not know how to ride a bicycle too, leave alone a scooter. Could she handle a scooter? Why not if I could get a vehicle which was safe, sturdy and easy to handle.

Emergence of a New Scooterette

Somewhere around that time, a new scooter or should I say a mini scooter was launched by Bajaj Auto. The BAJAJ SUNNY. It was hyped as the latest innovation for safe and easy riding. light weight, sturdy, highly maneuverable, Gearless, economical (65 KM per litre of Petrol) and ideal for ladies and children.

To Buy or Not to Buy

I was impressed seeing the ads on TV. I do not remember the ads exactly today, but they were good. Here finally was the ideal companion, hey not companion (where would that leave me?) but vehicle for Prema. I immediately decided to buy one. I was at Pathankot at that time. I checked the price with the Bajaj dealer. Rs 12,500/-. I had Rs 10,000/- ready cash from a fixed deposit which had matured. I thought I could muster up another Rs 1000/- or so from my salary or rather what was left of it (being the end of the month). But Rs 12,500/-? Another Rs 1,500/- required. Those were the days when bank loans were not easy to get and Rs 1,500/- was no mean amount for the middle income group and I did not want to touch my provident fund.

I did not believe in borrowing from relatives or friends. I always believed in Shakespeare’s advice “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” I decided to put it off till the next month. It could wait. But no. When I had made up my mind, I must execute the decision, no matter what the obstacles. A idea which takes seed in my mind and germinates, seldom waits for the usual course to flower. It has to be overnight. On enquiry I learnt that it was available 50 KM away for Rs 11,000/-. Must be second hand I thought. No I just had to cross over to Kathua in J&K and buy it there. J & K had lower taxes. There. I know it. There had to be a way. So next day I caught a bus and was off to Kathua to ride back on the Bajaj Sunny. After completing all formalities, I finally had the bike or rather scooterette which would make Prema mobile.

Was it a wasted Investment?

Alas! My happiness was short lived. I did not realize that Prema would not be able to ride the sunny despite all its features. Oh did I tell you, she did not know how to ride a bicycle too, leave alone a scooter. So I embarked on the all important aspect of buying the Sunny. Teaching Prema how to ride it.

The area where we were staying was mountainous. Not big mountains, just low hills. To teach Prema how to ride, I had to sit on the Sunny with her as she could not balance. The Sunny managed to pull the heavy load of 68 Kg + 52 KG up and down hills. We roamed around oblivious to the fact that people were staring at the plight of the poor Sunny, but I was intent on teaching Prema so that she would soon start riding on her own. After a few days when I thought Prema was confident enough, I told her to ride it on her own. I held it from behind and ran some distance balancing it, but no sooner had I left it, she had a toss. That was the last of her independent rides. She decided she did not want to learn. She said she would rather walk than break her limbs learning to ride. Any amount of persuasion failed to make her change her mind. The decision was final.

Who Would Use it?

The girls were still too young to use it. What was I to do with the Bajaj Sunny which had bought with such high hopes. I was stuck with a scooterette with no one to ride it. It was then that I decided that I would use it. Now I had four means of transport. An old Fiat car, a Bajaj Super scooter, a Bajaj Sunny and a sports bicycle. Wow! I was highly mobile, but the Bajaj Sunny was the newest acquisition so the favourite.

My Experience With the Sunny

Once I, my wife and my two daughters took a chance and went on the Sunny to the market which was down hill. On the way back I had to stop at a place and after that it would not pull. With this excess weight it is no wonder. Prema was highly embarrassed (and decided never to take such a chance again), but luckily it had become dark and no one noticed. I had to give it some help with my feet to be able to negotiate the slope. It needs to be in motion and good speed to be able to negotiate a sustained climb with heavy loads. However, when I am alone it goes up in a jiffy.

The Advantages of a Bajaj Sunny

In the days when young men love to ride big and powerful motorcycles I was riding a 60 cc scooterette. And actually enjoying it. It gave me a great sense of freedom. How freedom? Well since it could not go at more than 40-50 KM per hour, I could safely look around while riding and did not have to concentrate on the road ahead. I could not over speed, a tendency I can not curb and hence there was no risk of accidents. I used to sit well back in the seat and lean forward as on motorcycle and it gave me a sense of power. The breaks are in the hand so both feet are free. It is so low that while sitting on it both my feet are firmly on the ground, so I can take sharp turns on either side. The foot board is flat unlike a Bajaj Super so I could even carry a gas cylinder vertically after removing the spare wheel. The biggest advantage I find is its great maneuverability specially in crowded areas of the market. I love winding my way through the crowd and it is very efficient at that. The advantages were many and varied.


From those days in 1991 to this day I have used the Bajaj Sunny very frequently. I have sold the old Fiat and bought an Indica V2, but the Bajaj Sunny still goes strong. It has given me good service. I used to go to the market and buy a weeks vegetables. There is sufficient space to hang the bags. I have grown in proportions and have started weighing 80+ Kg but my Sunny still faithfully carries my weight. The girls have since grown up and learnt to ride the Sunny some four years ago. They used it for a while but as they grew, they started feeling ashamed of it. Peer pressure perhaps. With all their friends moving around on Honda Activa or Kinetic Nova etc, they feel it below their dignity to use a Sunny. I am contemplating buying a new vehicle for them, but I have no problems with the Sunny. I still ride it for going to the market when I go alone and intend keeping it as long as it keeps moving. Prema says you make a funny site on the Sunny. A large man on a small bike, but, I do not mind the site. That is for others to see while I enjoy the ride. I can't say that it is the best scooterette in terh market today, but it was the first and it has given me good service and I enjoy riding it.

Rather Funny
Jul 31, 2003 05:58 PM16262 Views

Yesterday, as I was reading through Sonal_neo's brilliant review on Kinetic Nova, it brought back the nostalgia of my college days and my long-term association with Kinetic Honda. I am a die-hard fan of Kini, despite its expensive maintenance and low mileage issues. After all, loyalty and emotional bonding bhi koi cheez hoti hein..Lol. But this review is not about KH.

This review is a tribute to another fantastic (read it as all Plastic) mobike (?) Bajaj Sunny, a true classic (again read it as Plastic). Now, how did the Kinetic rider, me, end up driving a Bajaj Sunny are you asking? Its is a very long story and to cut it short I shall just say that if you have a younger brother who is to attend some dumb engineering exams but has his bike broken, then please don't even for pity sake offer to lend your vehicle, not for a day, not for a week, as it will be conveniently confiscated and you would have to look for alternate commuting sources.

Let me go through the nitty-gritty details of this ridicule-of-an-automobile.


If price is what you mind, then never mind... you don't have a mind!

I have no idea whether this bike (Hahaha.. sorry, can't help it) still exists in the market or what is its cost range etc. When the above events took place, I had just stepped out of university and joined my very first job. The firm where I worked for was precisely 3.2 km away from home and I needed a suitable means of transport, as it was not very convenient traveling by local bus or auto rickshaw. Therefore, I decided to go in for another vehicle of my own. Since I had started earning (peanuts), my pride wouldn't let me accept my dad's sponsorship, but at the same time, the joke-of-a-paycheque that I received every month, did not allow the luxury of going in for another Kinetic. In such a dismal situation, my enemy-of-a-cousin brought in the news that there is a certain second-hand vehicle out for sale in one of his friend's garage and it was damn affordable at Rs.5000. Coincidentally, I had just then received a Diwali bonus cheque of exactly the same amount (Now you know that those peanuts were not even salted or flavoured). And so my brother, cousin and myself along with the garage fellow, went in for a peek and trial of this gaadi.

If Looks could kill, this one sure does... you will kill yourself laughing your guts out!

You can cut out 3 rectangular pieces of red cardboard (only in this case its plastic sheet), place one of them vertically and the other two laterally, affix 2 wheels, one handle, a headlight and a seat.. and there is your Bajaj Sunny!!! Calling this one a Scooter or Moped is like addressing a soapbox (fixed with wheels) a Fiat Uno. Had a very hard time maintaining straight face in front of its owner, a meek lady, who was shifting to Chennai and obviously in great pain to part with her prized (oh howl..) possession.

Despite my reluctance, my evil brothers brainwashed me constantly hammering in all the economic implications, good bargain deal, mileage factors, easy maintenance issue and above all my own absolute necessity for anything in 2 wheels finally made me consent and I was a proud (..lwoh ho, the reverse of above parenthesis) owner of a red magnificent (read it as majorly deficient)mockery-of-a-two-wheeler.

If it's good, it's too good... too good for nothing!

And so began my affair with this Sun of a B.. er.. I mean.. Bajaj Sunny. Not that everything about this machine is bad. Actually, the mileage is pretty good at 50-55 km/l(Good because my Kinetic never went up the 42 km/l mark anytime). Also for the lean mean (literally speaking that is) pathetic machine that it looks, it gives you a pretty good performance. It neither asks for frequent servicing nor is the maintenance heavy on your pocket. Most of the parts are outrightly cheaper and easily available compared to my ex-KH. The best part is, you can fiddle with it yourself and try out all the R&D stuff since there are hardly any sophisticated or complex machinery around. And then there are some auto features of this bike - horn switch, front lights and even the clutch - auto means they switch on and off automatically by themselves at times.

One particular incident I recall is, on a particular late evening, I was caught in one of those heaviest downpours of monsoon. The waterlogged circle opposite to Shopper's stop and the adjoining roads were all overflowing and I waded across in my Sunny literally half drowned. I had all the reasons to believe that was the last of my BS, but to my utter surprise, it got me through those dire straits in one piece.. And.. as soon as I hit M.G.Road, there is a loud thump and a black looking bulky piece of metal falls off the gaadi! Still no idea whether it was engine or chassis or whatever junk, but I was a pretty site in front of Symphony, all drenched and pushing that stupid Leo mettle toy to the garage.

If you want your space, you can have it... on Mars or Pluto!

It is a very good one-person bike. Single riders can be comfortably seated and if you happen to be a particular 5'5'' tall with long legs, you also enjoy the luxury of throwing your limbs anywhere you want to.. even if it means outside the vehicle. But I must admit, I have still managed all my drivers duty of ferrying mom, aunts, friends and relatives here and there and all over Bangalore and all quite easily (if they were quiet and not so grumpy it would have been more easy). Having said this, I should also say it manages (though not very efficiently) to carry quite a heavy load despite its scrawny built. I particularly remember an ex-colleague, who was an ALL ROUND lady in VERY GOOD health, and always loved to take a lift from me. If that poor-thing-of-a-bike managed a 50kg & 85kg + 2-3kg (latter, the weights of our bags), I guess I should not be abusing it so much after all.

If speed thrills, you better take chill pills... maximum speed 60 kmph really kills.

The absolute HATE factor of this machinery is its pick-up and speed. Pick-up in this case means literally pick it up and start walking. All the funs are in those big traffic signals and circles where your bike decides to throw up its fondest and deepest tantrums the moment the lights turn green. Also, try some uphill climbs and steep roads for simple pleasure of driving. How I loved the sadistic feel of those full throttles, and enjoyed myself at those gurgling, spitting-up noises it made as if someone were strangling and stifling it to death. Aha!! Rest assured, you will never get a speeding ticket for riding this one. The odometer shows maximum speed of 100 kmph, but I can swear by my whole ancestry and evolutionary chain that it cannot go beyond 60kmph, anytime, anywhere.

Continued in comments' section.. Sorry!!

The tiny bundle of err.... fun
Oct 04, 2002 01:14 PM22991 Views

With all these reviews on Pulsars, Enticers, Ambitions and other macho bikes, I was woe begone to see that nobody had mentioned a word about that once-babe of the

masses the Bajaj Sunny.

My liaison with the Sunny started an year or so ago, when I needed something with an engine and two wheels to go to my office. It was a couple of minutes away from

home, and all I needed was something that would take me there. Period. No frills, pizzazz, vroom, sex appeal or anything, just transport, pure and simple.

After a little haggling I picked up an 8th hand (so he told me) Bajaj Sunny from an associate at work. It was battered, broke, had no suspension, a broken tank cap, total

electric malfunction, (nothing, not even the head light worked) and a seat that was as ripped apart as the inevitable babe in those Yankee Horror movies. But I got it for a

cool 2 thousand bucks (which I suppose is too much anyhow).

Since then it has been my noble steed. Even though it was restricted to five minute jaunts to the corner tea shop, and the daily office route, slowly we started to take it to

town. (The fact that it had not a hint of paperwork was a trifle stifling mind you.) It has now become a part of the family, and serves to its best abilities.

Now there is absolutely no point in comparing the Sunny to a Lamborghini, it is very much in a niche of its own. I will touch on those aspects which make the vehicle what

it is:

  1. Handling:

It handles very nicely for its size and build. It is a very flimsy vehicle though. The tubular chassis gives it hardly any bulk, and for the single person it handles very sweetly.

However put one more passenger on the back and then it suddenly becomes Greco-Roman wrestling. The center of gravity goes all over the place. The vehicle does not

have very good pick up and two decent sized passengers can make driving pretty tough. But for city driving, and twisty roads, with all sorts of encroachment, assassin

auto drivers, and juggernaut public transport buses, it is great to zip through the traffic. Once it starts flowing along, it is pretty smooth.

  1. Pick up:

Ahem pretty embarassing actually. I have many times caused mini-traffic jams at signals because the vehicle just cant pick up with me and my robust room mate on it. We

sometimes have actually coaxed the vehicle by kicking on the road (Flintstones style) to get it to move. Any mushy tracks, steep climbs, and you can become the center

of attraction. even though it helps to lighten the atmosphere around you, doesnt do your self-esteem any good. But once it picks up speed it does have a fairly good zip.

Not one for the off-road junkies, wait, not even for the on-road junkies.

  1. Fuel Efficieny:

Honestly I havent measured this one yet. But I do get the feeling I am filling it a tad too often. Its 3.5 litre tank really doesnt make it worthwhile for long trips. But again I

cant comment on this.

  1. Seating and comfort:

If your alone, its got a lot of room, with a partner well you better be the driver. If the two passengers are not Kate Moss types in structure, the guy sitting in the back has a

serious danger of getting skinned knees, shins and mangled feet. There just isnt enough space for two me-sized people. I have to keep my knees sticking out when riding

in the back, and I have knicked a lot of electricity poles and cows. (With no particular retaliation so far....). I did once bang right against a guy sitting on a bike. In these

circumstances you have to sufer the ignominy if people jogging and catching up with you, when you are going in top speed (refer thoughts on Pick up above)

  1. After Sales Service:

The previous owner told me the parts would be troublesome to find and a little expensive. Which is true to an extent. It is not too popular a vehicle right now. But it is not

too difficult to maintain. We really dont take it for Auto Shows, so I just do the bare minimum to keep it running. But we did a major overhaul of a few of the major parts

recently, the suspension, the brakes, the electrics, etc. and it cost us around 600 bucks or so. We had no complaints.

  1. Chassis and accessories:

Umm.. the less said the better. Looks, feels, and is very flimsy. The panels are all fiberglass and plastic, and looks very cheap after a little age. Most of the fittings are

flimsy too. The lock on the underseat compartment is a big pain in the posterior. It can drive you nuts at the petrol bunk, (the tank is within the compartment). The whole

vehicle is not very robust itself. And accessories limit themselves to a headlight, a horn and rear lights. This of course is for the model I have, the new ones have a lot

more toppings. The suspension is pretty sad too, we have scraped clean most speed breakers in the Anna Nagar, Mandaiveli areas of Chennai. Our headlight came with

Artificial Intelligence embedded, it switches on and off by itself. (Though it has sweet timings sometimes).

  1. Looks:

Hehehe..... You must be joking. It doesnt have any image, if anything, it is the housewife's special. Noone, no not even school girls drive it anywhere. And driving it

wearing a Calvin Klein jeans will probably get you sued by CK.

  1. Last Words:

The Scooty is better any day. It beats it on all fronts. However do remember that my review is based on a used, and battered version of the vehicle. But the one things

that is really credible about the Sunny, is its hardiness, for all its flimsy structure, it is one hell of a workhorse. The previous owner used it to transport engineering

components all over Chennai. It will take any amount of beating, and will still run around with that gut wrenching noise of its.

We love our Sunny. Buying a new one probably does not make sense anymore, with the wide variety of vehicles available, but if you need to make short ten minute runs

like we do, and all you are worried about is going form point A to B, well at the right price it is a good workhorse type of vehicle to buy used. And I am keeping mine, who

knows it could become a collectors item tomorrow.


Bajaj Sunny

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