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By: chalojai | Posted Mar 09, 2011 | My Experiences | 880 Views

Yesterday was a busy day for me..... went to RTO for my driving licence,. When I came back around 1 30, it was horribly hot outside.The blazing March sun was really sucking out all my energy like that popular ad of some energy drink,where sun sucks away the energy from a boy with an attached straw on his head!!!!!!!!!!! My throat was parched,and I badly needed something to drink . I reached for the grocery store in our estate,where some ice-lollies were kept in a refrigerator. I stretched my hand out to take out some of those,then stood stock-still. Which brand is that???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kwality Walls paddle pop orange lollies.with the most familiar picture of an animated lion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I stood there for almost five minutes. I could not decide whether to take those or not. Then I turned back,and started for my flat. The shop owner gave me a curious look, I didn't even look at him. I was being flooded with so many memories.After how long???????

Well,perfectly after 10 years,4 months and 16 days!

When I reached my den,first I took few sips from my sipper bottle,then collapsed on the sofa. Such a long time passed,and so much changes occurred,without our notice! I was wondering,what else have been changed. Well,now let me tell u about this..........otherwise u will not be able to follow.

When I was a kid,I got my the person who is now my hubby,as my best friend. We were so close that we often used to spend time together,which was strictly opposed by our parents. This was an unexplained puzzle to us. In childhood,it was our parents who used to bring both of us in one place,and asked us to play when they were busy themselves. What actually changed when we grew up? Now it was exactly them who opposed to see us together. We didn't like the idea of being separated. Both of us had our bicycles. So what we used to do,whenever we had to meet each other,we just used to ride our cycles and met in a playground few kilometers away from our houses. All of our friends used to come there, and we used to have all kind of discussions . When we had to go back,my best friend aka my hubby gave me company till home.It was our daily ritual when we were on summer vacations,and weekly on school days.

Both of us were not provided with pocket money at that time. Our parents considered it as bad influence. My mom gave me daily 10 rupees as rickshaw fare,as my school was far away from my house. I used to walk all 4 kilometers on Fridays, just to save Rs. 5. Why? I saved it so that I can share an orange ice lolly with my best friend on Saturday when I meet him. It was the greatest pleasure of mine at that time. He loved those orange lollies,but had no money to afford one. I tried my best to give him one every week.

Saturday evening,when he used to accompany me to our home ride,we used to stop at the corner shop near our house. The sold these ice lollies. We could afford only one.the price was Rs. 5 only,but it was not possible for me to save more than that. On Friday I can be late,bcoz there is no tuition,and next day the school is for half day only. Still I can remember,when I used to give him the ice lolly,how he used to take the first bite. After taking it,he would close his eyes and relish the moment...........remembering this still brings a smile to me,and a feeling of sadness also. Now a days those kids from affluent families spend hundreds on junk food and ice cream.But in our time........a small ice lolly was the ultimate target,the absolute pleasure of ours. How those small things used to make us happy!Ohh,still I cherish those happy moments.

When we had our first jobs after finishing studies,we went back to that shop once. We thought that this time we can afford two lollies. But we were so disappointed to know that it was out of market then!!!!!!!!!!! We had a sense of loss. After all these years,I felt overwhelmed seeing those lollies back here. I could not buy them in the afternoon,called my hubby and told him about this incident. There was a brief silence over the phone. I knew exactly what he was thinking. When he came back,he took me out. We went to that shop again,and this time we bought two lollies. After coming back, we settled on the sofa. He pulled out one from the wrapper,gave it to me. Then he slowly opened his share,looked at it for a while,and said softly: Happy Independence Day. I knew exactly what he means. ya,he earned it. Now nobody can stop him,or me from having a full one. Well,we shared our lollies as well,but this time, it was OURS! the result of or struggle for 10-whole years. Finally the joy was all ours.Thank god for this day.......................we sincerely thanked god for giving us the opportunity to achieve this.

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