Words, words, words
Circles of hornets that dive bomb with stings
Sprials of dreams on butterfly wings. ~Cathryn Adeli
Recently someone asked me to think of a word which holds power. I thought love, but then seems like 8/10 answers have to be this. On the same line I hit hate, faith, politics, bonds, relation, emotions and many more.
Just then one word came to my mind which is really powerful but is underrated. We use it somewhere almost every day, know how powerful it is, yet don’t acknowledge it.
The definition of this word according to Wikipedia is “aninnovative fix, sometimes pejoratively used for solutions that bend rules, or a resource that can be used as such or a person who can solve a vexatious issue. It is used as much for enterprising street mechanics as for political fixers. In essence, it is a tribute to native genius, and lateral thinking”
This word is so inspirational, that we have a vehicle named after it. And this vehicle truly defines this word in full glory. It is created using a water pumpset. A steering wheel and a cart are attached. A local MUV is ready for a ride. Whether it is harvest or the complete baraat, it can easily carry the load at the speed of 20-25/kmph. For the villagers it is nothing less than BMW ride, as the pride speaks on the proud owner’s faces.
Since this vehicle involves low cost and it is locally created by the people, it has no registration procedure. Because of the safety reasons it is declared illegal by the government but yet it exists and hold good the name it has and runs on high popularity.
This word also shares the name of a movie title. I even thought that love, which claims to be such powerful word, could just manage to adjust with a zero in a tennis game.We can have this word in love but love in this word is not applicable.
Our government, VIP passes for events, substitute maids, we all depend on this word some way or the other. I wonder if you are still guessing it :)