Its human nature to be interested in other people's lives, some people take it to another level all together, they get immense pleasure by putting other people down , it gives them happiness and peace of mind when they constantly get to insult someone, but some people may not intend to insult you, its just the way you look at it.
Insults need not be taken negatively, in fact it can be a source of motivation.My earliest memory of an insult is when I was about 12, I was a normal kid, like everyone else I wanted to do well in school, but I was particularly weak in one subject and the teacher who handled the subject was very strict. She had the bad habit of correcting our books in front of everyone.
She was furious when she saw my book, first she made fun of every mistake I made, then when she had enough she just threw my book in front of everyone. Today after so many years I am amazed at myself on how I took that insult.
I took it surprisingly well, I made up my mind that I will somehow get better at the subject, it was a language, so I would literally imagine how every word would look like if it was written, I started writing more, learning more,after a lot of hard work, it took me a year or so, to finally get the highest marks in that subject in one of the exams. Not even a single moment have I hated that lady, even though her way of handling things was different, she taught pretty well,she remains to be one of my favourite teachers.
Even today people,things,situations continue to insult me. Some subtly, some directly, some are nasty, some are cheap, but I continue to smile at them :-) because I know I don't want to be a part of a stupid game of who scores over who, its not about who wins, its about how I improve myself, I don't compete with others, the competition is always with me :-)