Use him against himself. Want to know how it’sdone? See if I ever lied to you. See if you haven’t heard all this for years, butdidn’t want to hear, and the fault is yours, not mine. There are many ways.Here’s one. Make man feel small. Make him feel guilty. Kill his aspirationand his integrity. That’s difficult. The worst among you gropes for an idealin his own twisted way. Kill integrity by internal corruption. Use it againstitself. Direct it toward a goal destructive of all integrity. Preach selflessness.Tell man that he must live for others. Tell men that altruism is the ideal. Nota single one of them has ever achieved it and not a single one ever will. Hisevery living instinct screams against it. But don’t you see what youaccomplish? Man realizes that he’s incapable of what he’s accepted as thenoblest virtue—and it gives him a sense of guilt, of sin, of his own basicunworthiness. Since the supreme ideal is beyond his grasp he gives upeventually all ideals, all aspiration, all sense of his personal value. He feelshimself obliged to preach what he can’t practice.