The failure/non-participation of any of the political parties in the recent EVM challenge has proved that cursing the EVMs was a mere deflection from their real failures and misdeeds. Be it BSP, AAP, CPM, TC, SP or the Congress who actually intro
The failure/non-participation of any of the political parties in the recent EVM challenge has proved that cursing the EVMs was a mere deflection from their real failures and misdeeds. Be it BSP, AAP, CPM, TC, SP or the Congress who actually introduced the EVMs in India. Apart from two of the parties who cried foul after their disastrous failure in the recent polls, none chose to even participate in the challenge as they knew the same is not possible. And the two, who chose to participate, didn't even try the challenge. Instead one of them chose to still express their unhappiness without stating any reason for the same.
The opposition parties in India are behaving like clueless band of bad losers. Instead of finding and rectifying the real reasons for their political drumming, they are happy finding excuses for the same. In the process they are not sparing the constitutional authorities being dragged into their slug-fest. One of them chose to call a special assembly secession just to abuse the EVMs. AAP's loud-mouthed bragging Engineer whose delivered educational lecture in Delhi assembly, provably knew well that EC's EVM can never be hacked. Demand to allow changing the motherboard of the EVM in order to hack it, is like accepting that EC's EVMs are kept in open.
Physical security of anything is the most important and basic aspect of any security arrangement. AAP's terms to allow them absolute control to hack the EVM is like providing a thief with the Bank's locker along with all keys and remove all security arrangements to prove that he can loot.
The major difference in the EC's EVMs and those used by other countries is that most of them were connected through a network and their data flew through the respective networks. A layman knows that anything connected to a network is far more vulnerable to get hacked whereas Indian EVMs are totally standalone machines. These are required to be connected to networking wires for transferring data at the time of counting. Then EC's EVMs are controlled with firmware which is engraved to the chip(motherboard) at the time of manufacture not alike western machines which operate with software programs like Windows etc.
Now the question remains is about the aspersions casted upon a constitutional authority by these bad losers including the once grand old party like Congress. Despite open support of the EVMs by their leaders including a former cabinet minister in-charge of the EVM induction, why many of them resorted to abuse the same. The people of India are not living in 60s-70s and today's media is quick to expose them in open. Thanks to the ever increasing reach of the common masses to the information today, they are making their choices clear during every election in India. I can see the writing on the wall quite clearly for all these bad losers unless they change their mindsets and able to realize the real reasons for their battering in polls.
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