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Articles by aksurya_77
Posted Jun 17, 2017 | General | 383 Views   

Politics of Destruction & Farmer's Problems

The incidents of Mandsor, Madhya Pradesh are the ugly face of Indian politics which has stooped beyond lowest possible standards of civility. The pertinent question arises about the viability of democratic setup we have grown into after 70 years... The incidents of Mandsor, Madhya Pradesh are the ugly face of Indian politics which has stooped beyond lowest possible standards of civility. The pertinent question arises about the viability of democratic setup we have grown into after 70 years of independence. Our democratic system has been reduced to controlled anarchy which is at the mercy of major political parties who least bother about public safety & order. The protests by the farmers in MP were on for long and the law and order machinery of the state government must have reported the matter to the people in power. Taking it lightly or ignoring farmers' problems for long by Chauhan's government of MP has adversely affected it's otherwise farmer friendly image. The political price of this blunder will have to be paid by the government and the party when state goes to poll next time around. Lapses has also been there on part of the administration and the agencies responsible for maintaining the law & order situation including inadequacy of the police forces. At the same time the role of the opposition parties and the farmer's associations must also be critically evaluated. The farmers of Mandsor are being exploited by the opportunist politicians to try and make a comeback who have otherwise been made jobless after repeated elections?. Though the issue has been given on a platter to the otherwise dead Congress in MP. But the manner of cashing in to pocket the political mileage is shameful and displays the utter disregard towards Public order by a national party. The old grand party is found instigating people on camera to burn down police stations, public & private vehicles, blocking of rail and highways. The otherwise irrelevant Farmer unions are also trying to pocket their share of the conflict in a state which is consistently performing much better than others in agriculture for last 05 years. We as Indians are known as one of most lawless societies around the globe and soon surpass the countries like Pakistan, Somalia & Afghanistan, if we fail to check the lawlessness. The breaking of law & order and destruction of public property has become a necessary ritual in Indian politics. More the destruction of public property and higher the number of deaths is seen as better to meet the political ends. They have forgotten their responsibilities towards building this nation and we as people are only interested to fight for our rights but not responding to the duties of being citizens of this nation. The judiciary is not willing to take sou-motto cognizance of large scale destruction of public property and violation of law by these political hooligans. The situation of abysmal law & order is also responsible for the difficulties faced in meeting annual FDI targets by this government despite several incentives offered. The economic prosperity of a state and nation depends heavily on the ground situation of law & order prevalent. The economic prosperity and the anarchic situation of a country are related adversely. We have many example around the world to take a cue from. The farmers will have to consider the facts that their current condition is the result of sustained ignorance by successive governments. The current administration has taken some steps in the right direction and it will take some time to bear fruits of those. There is a lot more needs to be done and the current dispensation has shown the will to not only walk the talk but demonstrating by their steps including New Crop Insurance Scheme, Establishment of Cold Storage, Connecting the Mandis, 100% Neem coating of Urea, Reducing taxes on Agri Implements, Enhancing MSPs & periodic review of the policies with regard to agricultural products. Though, the steps taken by the government are not exhaustive and a lot more will have to be done for improving the rural economy. But a responsible government has to abide by the financial limitations and fiscal discipline else the consequences will be disastrous. We have seen many examples of failure of many economies which did not adhere to the fiscal discipline. We should not force the government beyond a point that can be a risk to the economy as a whole. Ultimately, the farmers and their fronts will have to realize the results of the outcome of loan waiver scheme brought by the UPA-1. The scheme costed to the tune of Rs 70 Millions and instead of resulting in improvement in the situation of the farmers, it divides them into two groups, one which regretted having paid their loan to the banks and other utilized the same in other then agricultural work. The bank data shows that after the scheme, the farmer who has good past record of repaying their loans started defaulting in the hope of another loan waiver. Loan waiver schemes have failed to improved rural economy and the financial crunch of the farmers. Providing them with irrigation system, electricity, road connectivity, cold storage facility to store their additional produce, competitive pricing mechanism, linking the agricultural markets in real time stock level across the country and food parks will make a difference. The government has shown some progress on many fronts but most of these initiatives require a time period of 5-10 years to notice the visible improvements on ground. In the meantime, the governments are to be seen as firm against the violation of public order and only demonstrative action will contain the hooligans. The people and parties responsible for the destruction of public property & infrastructure must be identified, booked and penalized with the recovery costs to the exchequer. The adequacy of the enforcement agencies must be ensured to maintain law and order. Adequate training to the security personnel for dealing with such situations without need to open fire must be ingrained in them. The politics of freebies must be stopped as this has the potential of spreading like wild uncontrolled fire if started by one state. Many states are already reeling under the rising demands of loan waiver, free electricity etc despite facing financial crunch situations. Someone will have to rise to the occasion and put a stop to this menace of arm-twisting an elected government fueled by political opportunism. We, the people must realize that funds and resources available with any government are ultimately the property of ourselves. No government owns a single penny other than the taxed money from us collected by different means. Destruction of the public property is hurting only us with further increase in taxes and the costs incurred on repair, re-building such assets. Read More
Tags: farmer politics
Posted Jun 17, 2017 | General | 414 Views   

EVM & Band of Bad Losers

The failure/non-participation of any of the political parties in the recent EVM challenge has proved that cursing the EVMs was a mere deflection from their real failures and misdeeds. Be it BSP, AAP, CPM, TC, SP or the Congress who actually intro... The failure/non-participation of any of the political parties in the recent EVM challenge has proved that cursing the EVMs was a mere deflection from their real failures and misdeeds. Be it BSP, AAP, CPM, TC, SP or the Congress who actually introduced the EVMs in India. Apart from two of the parties who cried foul after their disastrous failure in the recent polls, none chose to even participate in the challenge as they knew the same is not possible. And the two, who chose to participate, didn't even try the challenge. Instead one of them chose to still express their unhappiness without stating any reason for the same. The opposition parties in India are behaving like clueless band of bad losers. Instead of finding and rectifying the real reasons for their political drumming, they are happy finding excuses for the same. In the process they are not sparing the constitutional authorities being dragged into their slug-fest. One of them chose to call a special assembly secession just to abuse the EVMs. AAP's loud-mouthed bragging Engineer whose delivered educational lecture in Delhi assembly, provably knew well that EC's EVM can never be hacked. Demand to allow changing the motherboard of the EVM in order to hack it, is like accepting that EC's EVMs are kept in open. Physical security of anything is the most important and basic aspect of any security arrangement. AAP's terms to allow them absolute control to hack the EVM is like providing a thief with the Bank's locker along with all keys and remove all security arrangements to prove that he can loot. The major difference in the EC's EVMs and those used by other countries is that most of them were connected through a network and their data flew through the respective networks. A layman knows that anything connected to a network is far more vulnerable to get hacked whereas Indian EVMs are totally standalone machines. These are required to be connected to networking wires for transferring data at the time of counting. Then EC's EVMs are controlled with firmware which is engraved to the chip(motherboard) at the time of manufacture not alike western machines which operate with software programs like Windows etc. Now the question remains is about the aspersions casted upon a constitutional authority by these bad losers including the once grand old party like Congress. Despite open support of the EVMs by their leaders including a former cabinet minister in-charge of the EVM induction, why many of them resorted to abuse the same. The people of India are not living in 60s-70s and today's media is quick to expose them in open. Thanks to the ever increasing reach of the common masses to the information today, they are making their choices clear during every election in India. I can see the writing on the wall quite clearly for all these bad losers unless they change their mindsets and able to realize the real reasons for their battering in polls. Read More
Posted Jun 17, 2017 | General | 414 Views   

Alliance for Survival

The opposition parties in a democratic system is essential for keeping a critical eye on the elected Government. The importance of the opposition has been rightly emphasized by providing cabinet minister equivalent status to the LOP in our scheme... The opposition parties in a democratic system is essential for keeping a critical eye on the elected Government. The importance of the opposition has been rightly emphasized by providing cabinet minister equivalent status to the LOP in our scheme of parliamentary system. A picture from a Hindi daily amazed me as it looked really significant to me and kept me engaged for the proper perspective of the same.The leaders of the self-styled secular outfits like RJD, BSP, SP, RLD, CPM, JD(U) and pitiable Congress were trying to showcase the opposition unity in desperation. But the real irony visible from that picture as seems to me is that the opposition has today become dependent on persons with adverse record in public view. The credibility of the opposition has gone down beyond redemption. The picture of this discussion tells us that the opposition is lead by someone who is facing a fraud trial, supported by one who is convicted for corruption for 4 years, two of them under IT & ED scanner for their acts during demonetization, a former prime minister who led a scam ridden govt for 10 years refusing to own the political responsibility another accused of letting his son amass huge money and a young leader who inaugurated havens through remote and then perished to dust in recent UP polls. The picture is a perfect example of how cutthroat adversaries coming together just to survive in politics and save their bungalows in Lutyen's zone. Can such conglomeration can discharge the duty of a Opposition as envisaged in our Constitution. Read More
Tags: Indian politics
Posted Jan 22, 2017 | General | 397 Views   (Updated Feb 13, 2017 10:57 PM)

Elevate your Life with Yoga

I discovered the usefulness of Yoga just 1 & ½ years ago and I can feel a lot of changes in my life already by just reserving 1 to 1.5 hrs a day for me. Initially I was sceptical about it as everybody does in the beginning. The law of inertia... I discovered the usefulness of Yoga just 1 & ½ years ago and I can feel a lot of changes in my life already by just reserving 1 to 1.5 hrs a day for me. Initially I was sceptical about it as everybody does in the beginning. The law of inertia also make it difficult to initiate any change in life or otherwise. But the one who breaks up this initial roadblock can reach the otherwise seeming improbabilities. What’s Yoga? It’s been always a question for a non involved person but it’s very simple. For me the any soulful devoted act performed to achieve a rightful goal can be categorised as Yoga. There are as many types as many requirements/goals we have. Why one need it? There can be more one way to do the same job. Some are harmonious and some otherwise. But for the benefit of the mankind or the people the great seers have found a perfectly harmonious way to do the same with least effort and maximum gains. These methods are based on the repeated practical use and refined over generations for best possible results. This is the accumulated knowledge practiced, refined & preserved over times by multiple generations. This is how we learnt and achieved new heights in time and history of mankind. This is like an operating manual published after great amount of research & development and supplied along with the product for its optimum use. As we need a specialized tool to carry out a particular job in proper way? So it is the Yoga which teaches us to do things in proper way and that’s why we need it. In other words, Yoga is required to bring our mind, body and soul in perfect harmony. Your First cup of Yoga! Now we need to prepare our self as we always do before starting any journey. We need to prepare the ship which is our body as it is vessel to take us on all our journeys. Like any other ship, our body also need some maintenance in order to keep working flawlessly. And this ship only needs 30- 45 mins a day to keep up with you. #You can follow this sequence & continue this journey if you like:- Sit in Padmasana/Vajrasana/Sukhasana(as you feel comfortable) and close your eyes(normalise your breathing) Deep inhale and exhale 3-5 times Chant OM 3-5 times(with deep Vibration) Kapal-Bhati Pranayam for 3-5 mins(rhythmic action in Jnan Mudra) Bahiya Kumbhak-3 Repetations(Deep inhale and pause in complete exhale for 10-15 sec) Anulom-Vilom Pranayam10-12 times(Deep inhale & exhale through opposite nostrils) Suksham Vyayam(Wrist, Elbow, Shoulders, Neck, Torso, Legs, Knees, Ankles etc rotations clockwise & anticlockwise 5-10 times each) Chakki Chalana(clockwise and anticlockwise) Vakrasana 15-20 Secs each side Janursirsasana 10-20 Secs on each leg Leg Pull(Straightening at 90*) in lying down position 15-20 Secs each leg Ardha-Salabhasana 15-20 Secs with each leg Bhujangasana 3-5 repetitions Balsulabhasana 2-3 times Tadasana 20-30 Secs Trikonasana 15-20 Secs each on both side Suryanamaskara ½ or 1 complete chakra Savasana 45-60 Seconds Sit back in Padmasana/Sukhasana and chant OM for 3-5 times(with deep inhale then complete exhale) Chant Shanti Mantra and finish with oblation to Mother Nature with folded hands Rub both the hands vigorously and cup then on the closed eyes then repeat the same and touch your head, neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, Back, Lower back, thighs, knees, ankles, soles of feet and then slowly open your eyes. FEEL /OBSERVE THE CHANGE IN YOURSELF Follow the routine for a week & feel the elevation. Note:(i) Time & place should be regular, airy and peaceful. (ii) Should be done between dawn & dusk. (iii) After 3 hrs of any meal. (iv) Cleansing should be done(clear vowels, bladder & nostrils) 9917c2c4f67345fc41e043d65e4145e4b86592002742e728ad Read More
Tags: 9917c2c4f67345fc41e043d65e4145
Posted Jan 18, 2017 | General | 294 Views   

Ganges ! The soul of India & Hinduism

From North to South and East to West, each and every Indian must have been or wished to have seen/visit the Holy Ganges. With so much of overwhelming regard & reverence, it often pains me whenever I visit the river. With so much of public mon... From North to South and East to West, each and every Indian must have been or wished to have seen/visit the Holy Ganges. With so much of overwhelming regard & reverence, it often pains me whenever I visit the river. With so much of public money spent already and huge plans by successive state & central governments, why we are regularly failing to achieve the goal of Swachch Ganges & Nirmal Ganges? The only reason strikes my mind is,"We the People". We as the people of India have not yet decided to act towards this common goal. In a country of over 1.3 billions people, it's impossible for any govt howsoever mighty to achieve this herculean task. The Ganges flows for close to 2000 kms and directly affects the livelihood of over 25-30 crore of people and indirectly affects another 30 crore. Half of the Indian economy is driven /affected by the Ganges. So its only incumbent upon us the people of India to preserve this gift of heavens! Read More
Posted Jan 18, 2017 | General | 381 Views   

We & the Planet Earth

Consider the following:- We have 100 billion galaxies each containing 200 billion stars and their solar systems in the observable sky. But there is only one small, tiny & lonely known habitable planet that we call "The Earth".
    <... Consider the following:- We have 100 billion galaxies each containing 200 billion stars and their solar systems in the observable sky. But there is only one small, tiny & lonely known habitable planet that we call "The Earth".
    • The modern life style which demands excessive use of hydrocarbon generated energy constitute for 65% of green house gases which are heating up the whole planet and destroying it slowly but surely.
    • An average non vegetarian meal produces 50 times more Carbon emissions then a vegetarian one. The red meat industry accounts for 16% of total green house gases.
    Consider the effects:-
    • The average temperature of planet earth is rising & continuously going up as did never before. We will reach at one degree rise mark by 2020-25 which is PNR(Point of NO Return).
    • Once we reach PNP it won't be possible to return to normal condition no matter what we do.
    • Our grand kids will have to bear the curse with out any fault on their own and those of us who remain till then will have nothing to repent upon.
    What do we need to do:-
    • Saving even a single drop of fuel matters.
    • Recycling and reusing every waste matters.
    • Adopting a single veg diet matters.
    #Think about it as it's no more a science fiction or a myth. Global warming is real & happening right now. So reduce, recycle, conserve, adapt and educate people for the future of our kids and generations after them!
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