Some month before I have purchased this Voltas 1 Ton 3 Star Eyi Split AC because summer is given more hot so thus reasion I am purchased this AC but aafter 2 month realise the voltas 1ton 3star 123 Eye splitac is not satiesfied to my requirement so I tell this air conditionar was not to good so I share my refrencess related this voltas 1 ton 3star 123 Eyi split AC to all
{1}i dont like to use this voltas 1 ton 3star 123Eyi split AC because its not given perfect cooling I used 1 hour than its start given regular cooling its slow time
{2}i dont like this voltas 1ton 3star 123 Eyi split AC because the outdoor unit is more wibhrate wich create noise polution in my recidency are
{3}i dont like to use this voltas 1ton 3star 123 Eyi split AC because the indoor unit was not perfectly operated because the ac remote range is not longer which is irretet to me
{4}i dont like to use this voltas 1ton 3star 123 Eyi split AC because its not easy to use this so I have irretet some time to use other functions and features
{5}i dont like this voltas 1 ton 3 star 123 Eyi split AC because voltas companies is not given me faster ac services to me at the time of repairing
{6}i dont like this voltas 1ton 3star 123Eye split AC because I think the voltas companies is not belive in aafter sales and services to not given its coustomer at faster
{7}i dont like this voltas 1ton 3 star 123Eyi split ac because its not more save my electricity bill as compared to other brand
so I adviced to all first research than buy any product which suitable you and your family and your environment area ok
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