Please don't buy Voltas product. Service agency themselves acknowledge that Voltas product has lasting issues.
I sent out a detailed email to Voltas about a troublesome experience I had to face and Agency MD called and spoke with me. I clearly explained him the issue. MD assured necessary action be pursued. But agency has 15 years of experience, still that agency is immature and unprofessional.
I am posting this in mouthshut so that you will be aware of things happening with VOLTAS and you will come to realize that there are better product than VOLTAS with caring service.
Email was.
I had a very bad Voltas service experience this week with the "Chennai Cool Care" agency. Please read through the incidents that occurred and I request Voltas to take corrective actions on the agency.
SR Request Number: 220XXXXXXXX and 2202XXXXXXX
Service Agency Name: "Chennai Cool Care"
Product: AC Voltas 1.5 Ton 5 Star Split Inverter AC
Customer Location: CXXXXXXXX, Chennai 600XXX
Day 1:
• Assigned Engg SIVXXXX(Phn 72XXXXXXXX) didn’t arrive on site.
• Instead Entry level(immature) technician came on site. Technician name was AiXXXX.
• I called(and struggled) 5 to 6 times to Engg SIVXXXX Phn 72XXXXXXXX to ask "why the assigned Engg didn’t arrive".
• He and Engg SIVXXXX were fighting with one another on phone call.
• Technician was lying to customer and was working very angrily on the Rs68000 Air Conditioner Machine.
• Water wash was done improperly.
• Technician found out that there is a gas leak(refrigerant leak) from the coils outside.
• Technician informed me that next day agency will send someone and resolve the leak issue.
• Technician requested customer to sign the forms without the service getting fully completed.
• Technician wasn't professional in handling the overall service and lacked training.
• I fell agency needs to give proper training to technicians and provide a checklist with Dos and Don’ts to achieve the service perfectly.
• Since it was Freon leak I didn’t touch or ON the AC after Technician left the site.
Day 2:
• Till 2:30 PM no one from agency called or arrived to look at the issue.
• I raised a complaint to Voltas Customer Care at around 2:30 PM
• New senior technician named "saXXXXX"(phn 98XXXXXXX) arrived on site at around 3:30 PM.
• Technician examined the issue and started working on it.
• But Technician didn’t bring enough Freon/refrigerant on arrival so had to go out again, fill the tank and come back.
• Technician solved refrigerant leak successfully.
• When asked about why gas leak "what's the cause?" Technician bluntly said "Voltas product issue"(Even the agency people acknowledge Voltas product are not good enough)
• I informed about the Day 1 improper job to the new technician and showed him the unusual protruding plastic plate seen from the front side of the AC.
• Technician said everything looked fine and he didn’t check whether AC was cleaned or not.
• Technician asked me for Voltas SMS photo so that he can get the happy code without customer approval.
• Technician was pestering for happy code even when I am not satisfied with the overall performance of the visit.
• Technician was saying if they didn’t get happy code their credit will get affected.
• I agreed with technician that I will use the AC for 1 day and speak to him about the performance.
• Technician left the site.
• Since Technician said all issues are solved, At 11 PM night time when I was free, I checked whether AC was cleaned properly and was working fine.
• I found out that soft coils inside the machine were bent and it looked very dirty inside.
• I felt Day1 technician worked angrily on my AC and damaged certain soft coils inside the machine due to inefficient in handling AC and he didn’t clean the machine at all.
Day 3:
• I sent unclean AC images in whatsapp to senior technician named "sXXXXXX"(phn 98XXXXXXX).
• Provided him the unhappy code and told him to close the request.
• Technician "sXXXXX" was asking for 30 min to come to site and perform a perfect AC wash & clean.
• I asked him why he didn’t check the AC properly on Day 2 visit and why he didn’t notice or solve the improper work done by the day 1 technician.
• I told him I can’t waste my time even 1 minute with this "Chennai Cool Care" agency people.
• I felt even senior technicians need training.
• "Chennai cool care” agency was calling numerous times to get the job done so that they can get the happy code.
• But I informed that the agency was not professional enough to do AC services or handle high cost equipment’s.
• I complained 2nd time to Voltas Customer Care.
• Still the agency called me and asked if they can send people to get job done so that they can get the happy code.
• I got angry frustrated and started shouting at the lady calling from the agency.
Customer Review:
• I am very busy in my day to day life with work etc.
• I had to allocate time from my busy schedule for technician Visit to check upon things.
• My AC is not an experiment instrument to play with unskilled and not professional technicians.
• I pay huge money to buy product so expect top quality work behaviour.
• My AC is not boot camp or training place.
• I totally lost trust in the "Chennai Cool Care" agency and started getting headache & frustration dealing with the "Chennai cool care" agency.
• Why World Class "VOLTAS" is engaging business with inexperienced and unprofessional agencies like this "Chennai cool care" agency.
• Voltas Customer Care assured back end team will investigate the total frustrating experience.
• Hope you take corrective action so that other voltage customers don’t experience the same trouble I went through.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.