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Samsung MAX(G) AS185UGF 1.5 Ton 5 Star Split AC Image

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Samsung MAX(G) AS185UGF 1.5 Ton 5 Star Split AC Reviews

SAMSUNG 1.5Ton Split AC Service( Worst Experience)
May 18, 2013 11:55 AM 12543 Views

First when it comes to the service of was my life's worst experience whatever happened with me .I bought a Samsung .5 TOn split ac before 2 years.Before few days my compressor wiring got fired. I called the nearest  Customer Service Center of Samsung.

After calling them continuously 5 days...finally a guy came to my home and checked it in 20 minutes and said that my Compressor is running without gas. So need to refill it again. But actually It was not a problem with it. (confirmed the same with another AC service expert.

That earlier guy was charging me around 500 rupees. Which was more then the regular fees. So this is my whole experience with Samsung. So I am suggesting to each and everyone not to go with Samsung ever.

You can contact me on my cell no. 9782165006 for more details.

A.Samsung 1.5 Ton Split Ac -Worst Product Dont Buy
Apr 18, 2013 05:16 PM 89516 Views

A Samsung split ac stinks when you switch it on. No resolution of problem by their service team since past one year. My complaint is pending since last one year.

They just want to smell the ac agin and again. You can contact me on my mobile 8985039841 and personally know the problem. Don't buy Samsung ac.

Uzhavoor, India India
Don't buy Samsung very bad Quality & Durability
Apr 08, 2013 12:03 PM 89941 Views

Don't buy Samsung AC because very bad Quality & Durability. I bought 2 Split AC and after 2years I have to spend 5, 000 Rs each for changing the aluminum AC coil and refilling the gas.

If would have spent 4000 Rs extra I could get a Copper coil version from Voltas or General AC but had less knowledge on coils when I bought AC.

So buy AC with Copper coil and not from Samsung.


Samsung MAX(G) AS185UGF 1.5 Ton 5 Star Split AC
Pune India
Never buy Samsung AC
Apr 02, 2013 12:03 AM 89320 Views

My Samsung AC is not cooling. Every time the gas leaks. It has been serviced twice and checked numerous times. The gas has been filled twice and once condenser has been replaced. Still after 2-3 weeks, it stops cooling. My

Complaint number is 8441958702. I have requested them for refund/replacement also. But then they stopped responding. My 30 K are down the drain and I am stuck with this faulty AC, when it's still in the warranty period.

Peshawar India
Save money with Samsung
Aug 12, 2012 12:55 AM 11646 Views

Strong cooling and silent save money and nice shape. Thank god, save my money one best brand

Samsung is the best for hot season I try many type of ACs but the Samsung is the best one.

Calcutta, India India
Worst buying decision of my life .
Jul 27, 2012 07:21 PM 13432 Views

Buying a Samsung split 1.5 AC was the worst buying decision of my life. From second year onward it started to leak water inside my room. I had to service it every 3 months to keep it up and running.

The LED is gone in the second year itself. Now there is GAS leakage and in these 4 years all total I have spent 5 times what I have saved buying this product , rather than Hitachi/Daikin/Carrier.

Trichinapalli, Tamil Nadu, India India
Customer Service is pits
May 22, 2012 06:08 AM 13653 Views

The AC was bought by me in May 2010. I had used it hardly for 1 month and  stopped cooling the room. I followed up Samsung and I was left with only  frustration. It took almost 9 months for somebody to come and attend to the  problem. The engineer who came said that the gas has to be re-filled and he did  it too. Exactly in 1 week it stopped again. My problem started again with the  service team. I gave up since I had other AC in other 2 rooms. On 17th May 2012  I lodged a complaint vide number 8423380860. I was promised that somebody would  talk to me in 24 hours.

Only on 19th after my follow up with the call center,  they patched me with your service person Ms. Rani and she gave her number as  follows: 040 -401833337 and mobile as 9246193338. My woes started all over  again. On 19th first Engineer cam to my house, checked and again said it is a gas  leak. Hence gas needs to be refilled. He said somebody else would come by  EOD. On 20th the second engineer came. After inspection he said there is no gas  leakage problem but there is a problem with the unit itself. Alas I am at my  wits end.

On 21st the third engineer has come and picked my AC unit promising to  return in 3 days. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Kolkata India
Buy products of higher range for better durability
Sep 06, 2011 07:30 PM 86466 Views

This product looks good but failed just after the end of warranty period. There are expenses involved in maintaining this AC. I will feel lucky if it crosses 2 years without any further addition to maintainance expense.  This product looks good but failed just after the end of warranty  period. There are expenses involved in maintaining this AC.

I will feel  lucky if it crosses 2 years without any further addition to maintenance  expense. This product looks good but failed just after the end of warranty period. There are expenses involved in maintaining this AC.

chennai India
Samsung is worst in AC manufacture.
Aug 20, 2011 12:35 AM 90309 Views

I bought samsung AC AS122ETB. every 2 weeks the Gas leak problem is happening. the service guys takes the entire unit to service center and gives that back after 3 to 4 weeks saying the machine is in perfect condition, hardly it works for two weeks then again same problem. in a year the AC machine will be there in service center for 5 to 6 times. and I am sleeping without AC for 3 to 4 months in a year. When I asked for replacement they will say the machine is perfect, we can't replace.

I will never buy any samsung products now on wards.

Pune India
After sales SERVICE bad
Jul 23, 2011 05:39 PM 88945 Views

Product in itself is Good however here I would like to put across the very important concern which is AFTER SALES SERVICE.

I have had an PATHETIC experience with SAMSUNG after salesService. Before the product is been sold to you they would promise loads but when I had to install my A/C they were not at all supportive. Firstly they wont attend their scheduled appoinments you need to Follow up with them all the time, then they start creating issues .

SAMSUNG heres a advice your products are good but if you are unable to handle and maintain your Customers then it will be a Disaster.



Pathetic ACs by Samsung
May 28, 2011 04:19 PM 13922 Views

I want to share my disappointing experiences with everyone here so that I can try helping people by saving their money by not buying Samsung AC.

I bought Samsung 1 Ton AC 3 years back and its been 3 conseutive years that I am having trouble with this inferior quality product. In the first year itself it had an electrical fault and it took Samsung Customer care more than 15 days to come and rectify the issue. In the next year the PCB failed and I had to shed another Rs 1700 hoping that now it would be alright.

And now its the 3rd year that the AC has stopped cooling at all. The technician told me that the gas is leaked and I would have to spend Rs 1800 for it. I finally decided to sell this at whatever price and will buy a new one. In and all, I would lose around Rs 10, 000 and lots of dissatisfaction in buying and using this product.

The only purpose of me writing it here is just to make my fellow Indians aware of this so that they can stay away from Samsung. The mistake I did trying to save a couple of thousand Rupees may not be repeated my any other friend who may come across this reveiw.

Guys.please.please stay away from Samsung. buy Carrier if you may like it.its a fantastic AC which I am using it for 10 years!

Hyderabad India
Dont fall for the flashy ads of Saumsung!!!
May 22, 2011 01:13 PM 86219 Views

Not just a particular product, Samsung is the worst-ever brand you can go for... I've host of examples of multiple Samsung products that I've seen / owned that are atrociously defective and their customer service is equally competent to match their worst product quality...

My 4-star Samsung A/C, which I bought after a good amount of study; has knocked-off right-after the 1 year warranty expired. Had to shell-out Rs.1000/- to make it work again. Not only that, their star-rating is FARCE; somehow those idiots are managing to stick those stars despite of those products NOT meeting those standards. Want proof? Any other AC (even my earlier non-start rated-carrier AC) I've seen/heard of, normally consumes not more than 4-5 units for 8-hours of running time. This bloody 4-star Samsung AC conumes 1 unit per each hour of running!!!.No idiot from the Samsung could explain me how it qualifies to be a 4-star despite of this kind of THIRST.

Same is the case with my Samsung camcorder... It went-off after 1.5 years of usage and costed me Rs.9000/- to make it work!!!

If you want to say its just my products and probably happened only to me, have another example of Samsung TV bought by my father-in-law. After 9 months of usage, the characters/pictures on the TV used to blur-off after 1 hours of running. The Samsung folks came for repair and did some adjustments which could mask the problem, not cure... It kept repeating and as usual after one year, Samsung was happy to raise their hands, saying "Warranty period Over!!".

My best guess is that it is Samsung's CHEAP strategy to put-up equally cheaper parts that goes defective right-after the initial warranty, there-by they can earn money...

If you ever think of buying any electrical/electronic product, consider everything else, but Samsung products!!! They are just flashy externally, FULLY FALTOOO internally.

kottayam India
Samsung AC sucks!! Beware Dont Buy!!
May 18, 2011 08:39 PM 14800 Views

We just bought a samsung ac model no. AS182SBDN. Its a split AC this was our first AC and we were happy while the installation were happening. But after turning on the AC we came to know about the foolish cooling this thing can make. total waste of money...

I would like to advice to all Don't buy samsung ac ever in your life. Total crap!!!!!!!!! I'm pissed off with this thing!! DAMN YOU SAMSUNG!! We dont have enough money to waste like this!!!

A company that is truly deaf and dumb.
May 14, 2011 12:49 PM 13115 Views

This review is essentially about the company, namely Samsung. You may have come across companies that are not too caring or a little apathetic. However if you want to meet a company that is truly deaf and dumb towards its customers, Samsung beats them all.

I may add that the product purchased is AS123UGA.  As this is not available on Mouthshut, an available product - AS182SSB has been selected.  Mouthshut does not allow you to write a review unless you choose a product from amongst the LISTED ones.

Their exclusive store, Samsung Plaza in Lucknow, charged me Rs.500/= more than the printed price. When I visited the shop they said that they did not have the AC model in the shop and would get it from the warehouse. Then they took out a price list and told me that the price was 24, 800/= and they would give me a discount of 1, 200/= on it. Not suspecting a foul play, I agreed and they promised to deliver the AC the next day. When the AC arrived I found that the total price of the room and external units was only Rs.23090/=. When I called the shop over phone they curtly told me to return the product if the price was not acceptable.

After that I took up the matter with Samsung. Since then I have written at least one dozen mails and reminders to them. NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS BEEN RESPONDED. The company is playing blind and turning a blind eye to illegal practices at its retail outlet. After around 8 reminders someone called up and asked if I had a technical problem. When told that it is about an illegal practice at their outlet he feigned ignorance and hung up. There was one more call advising me to sort out the matter directly with the store. However the company has played true blind, deaf and dumb as far as responding to my mails is concerned.

This review is to caution you in case you are planning to purchase a Samsung product. Be aware that you are dealing with a deaf and dumb company.

Delhi India
Pathetic ACs
Apr 16, 2011 12:48 PM 13557 Views

We bought a Samsung AC 2 years back and it is an absolute waste of money! It has no cooling effects, water leaks, makes noise and has no return on Investment. While on the other hand, our 5 years old Voltas AC still works wonders. Really disappointed for a product like this from a reputed company like Samsung. It actually reaffirms the saying - "Big Name, Small Work".

I would not recommend Samsung ACs to anyone!

Hyd India
Mr. Zutshi, are you listening? Do you care?
Apr 04, 2011 09:52 PM 84716 Views

This is a request from a very disappointed and troubled customer of Samsung who is being forced to write to you as everything else has failed. Please do read the entire mail and bear with me…

I had purchased 2 Samsung ACs [model 18 NA XTL from Bajaj Electronics, Panjagutta, Hyderabad; bill # P1/CR/2752 dated 21st Feb’08 for a cost of Rs. 45, 600/- in total]. Last year one unit stopped cooling and a person came home in response of the complaint [#8402913926 dated 19th Aug’10] and shared that the gas had leaked and he could refill and seal at a cost of Rs. 2000/- as the warranty period had elapsed. We got the repair done as suggested however, within a month, the cooling stopped again.

On calling up to complain, I was informed that my previous complain hadn’t been attended to at all! Imagine my utter shock when I realized that an impostor pretending to be a Samsung service person [with the right complaint number which I was allotted] had entered my house in my absence! This was just not acceptable as during the day, only my wife is at home and who would take responsibility if something untoward were to happen? And how did any person get the complaint number that the service center of Samsung allotted me? This is a serious breach that I hope you look into for the safety of all customers.

Later, when a Samsung representative did come down, he checked out the unit and said that the gas would continue to leak due to the inherent defect in these models of steel piping instead of the standard copper piping and I should change the unit. The offer was that I could get a refund of the depreciated amount [around 50% of the purchase value] and not knowing what else to do, I agreed and went in for another Samsung 5* rated unit at a cost of Rs. 30, 000/-.

This year, the other unit I had originally purchased stopped cooling and on complaining, the service person came in and shared that this was because the inner cooling coil had perforated and the gas leaked. He said that the coil would have to be replaced and gas refilled at a cost of Rs. 5, 500/- which would cost us just Rs. 4500/- due to a ‘discount week’ that I had lucked into!

Again, I did as suggested but today when yet another service representative came to fit the unit, he said that there really was no guarantee as due to steel piping, the unit would definitely not last long and this time, there is no hope of a refund on the depreciated amount either!

Mr. Zutshi, I have 3 other LG units installed at my home since the last 5 years and have never had a reason to even call the service center – however, in less than 3 years of purchasing Samsung, I’ve called up the representatives and complain numbers so often, it is not funny. This is just not expected from the brand of Samsung and I have already sunk Rs. 75, 600/-, not to mention the mental taxation and time in following up and being told that it was due to no fault of ours but that of manufacturing that we have to go without the comfort of ACs.

No one is willing to take responsibility, leave alone talk courteously and I was hence left with no other resort but to get your email id from the internet [since no one was even willing to share any number/email that I could escalate the matter to either] and hope that you do something for me regarding your brand Samsung which I was unfortunate enough to fall victim to.

With hope of a response,

Arun Jain


Hyderabad India
My problems with this AC
Nov 15, 2010 08:55 PM 20516 Views

I bought this air conditioner two months back and since then it is giving me some or other problems on daily basis. first its gas leaked and when I called them they took 2 days to come and then they told me that the reason for leakage was poor nut and washer they replaced that and went.

After 5 days again the same problem happened I called them again and it took me 10 minutes to make them understand the problem.

This was again fixed by them after 3 days.after 10 days again the same problem happened. They come and fixed it again but my question is why do I need a a c which will keep on giving me problems every week.i will request samsung to take back their a c and give me a replacement.

chennai India
Don't buy samsung split AC
May 05, 2010 05:49 AM 15258 Views

Please don't buy Samsung split AC. it works fine for one month and its only a fan. no cooling. no customer support. they mentioned one year free service but no service from Samsung. Its all a cheating company.

Samsung has no quality.

Hyderabad India
Excellent product
Apr 20, 2010 03:31 PM 13749 Views

Brought it recently and very happy with it performance. To be precise, it is AS182NGB (2 star, 1.5 ton)Service -> Good, No sound, Excellent value for moneyDealer -> Trivikrama, Begumpet, Hyderabad

Please let me know if you would like to have more details, I have only used it for 2 days, but quite satisfied.

delhi India
Buy a fan instead of Samsung AC
Apr 07, 2010 12:54 PM 22198 Views

Please do not do the same mistake as I did of buying a Samsung AC. I have both Samsung and LG, go for LG instead. If you can increase your budget, go for Hitachi.

I hate Samsung coz -

1) When you escalate, even the managers speak with you like credit card collection agents

2) Once you buy it, its your headache, not the company's

3) I got the ac replaced after 5 dozen phone calls and 12 home visits by their so called engineers (I am not exaggerating). This happened within the first 5 days of purchase

4) I am still not happy because the product itself is useless

5) Just try calling their cust care (30308282) and you will get a fair idea of their service

6) I wish these Koreans do proper research before launching products here

Pls forward me the email id of any senior exec from Samsung. Will love to send a mail directly to him


Samsung MAX(G) AS185UGF 1.5 Ton 5 Star Split AC