Samsung and its freakish customer care and service center
I purchased Samsung AC model #_ in the month of March 2007. After using the AC for about a month it stopped worked and after complaining the compressor was replaced stating that this model has a defective compressor.
After the replacement I used the AC a couple of times and again it stopped working. Since I am a working professional and cannot afford to take leaves(And hey no one gives leave to get an AC repaired at my office) I did not get it fixed at that time and summer was almost over anyway.
In February 2008 since summer was fast approaching I found it necessary to use the AC and gave a complaint. It was some PCB problem which had to be replaced. They took 10 odd days to figure out what the problem is and 5 odd days to fix it.
By the ways “Samsung Service Centre” does not have the same guy allotted to fix the problem. Each day a new guy calls up asking for what the problem is and how he should find the address. 4 guys in total have ripped by brains off every other day. I don’t think no one would take pleasure in explaining the same thing again and again to a new guy who turns up every other day. I mean. “Why the hell will I tell him what the problem is when I have been really patient in letting his friend know the previous day what the problem is(and to his other friend the day before?)”.
After several frustrated days with the call center and the service centre guys I finally got it fixed.
This time I swore to myself that I will open the window and t
ow the AC out if it stops working.
And here came the big day as I expected ……
The great gorgeous and lovely AC became a showpiece once again. But had I got the AC for FREE I would have definitely thrown it outside as I swore.
So…. It’s was the same…. “Thank you for calling Samsung customer care… You’re address please… what is the problem? …. I am really sorry… This time “I” promise you that “I” will make sure that the AC is fixed to puurrrrfection today itself”.
Two days no one turned up and I called up for “I” and I found a new “I” but not the same “I”….(I guess the real problem is not the AC but the “I” that keeps changing).
So yet again….
“Thank you for calling Samsung customer care… What is the problem…. I am really sorry… This time “I” promise you that “I” will make sure that the AC is fixed to puurrrrfection today itself”.
After fighting with them for the right guy with lot of reluctance they gave me the number of one Mr. Aleem who is supposed to be THE GREAT GUY who would solve my problem. I called him, picked up the phone. I guess I don’t have to repeat his words but still… “What is the problem Sir? I promise…….”.
I somehow managed not shouting at him(thanks to my patience) and I was telling him the entire Mahabharata(like I saw on TV) but to my annoyance right in the middle of the conversation I realized I was talking to another guy Mr. Narendrawhen he asked me the very famous question(whoever is reading this might have guessed already)… “YES Saar THIS IS NARENDRA …. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM Saar?”
The technically guy turned up finally… looked at the AC and said “The compressor has to be changed” I will do it tomorrow “Guarantee Sar”
I have decided that I will have to go to the consumer court as there is no other choice. But thought I will try one more time and that is it.
Earlier I got the number of Mr. Venkatesh who I am told is the ULTIMATE OF ALL from one of the service center guy whom I spoke to earlier(Any Guesses? Jatin? Aleem? Narendra? Sriram? ………. Do you expect me to remember who!)
I spoke to him just today. He seems to be the only educated guy. I asked for a replacement and he said he will do the needful if I give him the copy of my bill. He said he will need a week’s time. But I hope that week is going to be shorter than the summer.
(By the way last night the room temperature was 33oC and I took a bath in my sleepJ! I don’t know how many such nights I have to spend)
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