I am the unfortunate guy who bought a Samsung Split 4 star AC from Samsung direct show room at Chennai Chrompet. It is not working from day one, the service people say it has to be repaired, I objected to repairing a brand new AC, I asked for refund of my money or to replace it, they are not giving any response
I wrote umpteen number of letters to both Samsung Chennai and Delhi office but not a single soul gave response. I then took it up with consumer forum. At the Samsung Call centre they closed my complaint. I sent many emails and letters warning them that I will sue them for their careless attitude and claim compensation. This is open theft on their part. The purpose of buying an AC in this hot summer month has gone waste, they are inhumans for being so careless.
I later spoke to the showroom Manager warning him of dire consequence, he agreed to give me a phone number of Samsung official , I spoke to him . He said only Rs.20700 will be refunded not installation charge of Rs.1500 like wise Rs.1100 worth Stablizer cannot be taken back. So my loss is Rs.1100 then Rs.1500 and new brand Ac installation charges Rs.1200 total = Rs.3900.
I agreed to their condition one month has gone they are yet to give me the cheque as the Delhi Samsung office has to clear it . They seem to drag. The Samsung Ac is just like show piece not working.
What shall I do? Legal case will take lots of time, money energy of mine running for years.
I advise all not to buy Samsung Airconditioner in your this life.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.