Well, well! I had volunteered for the Teach India campaign by Times of India, long time back. Today I got an SMS requesting me to join the campaign, and am expected to report to Maitree (NGO) in RKPuram, New Delhi. I'm very excited and can barely
Well, well! I had volunteered for the Teach India campaign by Times of India, long time back. Today I got an SMS requesting me to join the campaign, and am expected to report to Maitree (NGO) in RKPuram, New Delhi. I'm very excited and can barely wait to know how I can contribute. My art classes are really keeping me busy, what with 6-7 sheets to be submitted every tuesday. Today's assignment was really tough and lengthy. I stayed up all night but still couldnt complete it. Completed it in the class. (Wonder if I'll need to give the kids some homework when I do go for the formal teaching classes? I wouldnt want to.) So right now am barely able to keep my eyes open. Sleepless in Delhi!
Suddenly the number of hours in a day are seeming to be not enough. LOL
I'll write a complete review or a post, whatever, once I'm through with my interactions with the NGO (22-24 Aug.) Fingers crossed.
There is a lot of pride, anticipation and nervousness too. Wish me luck guys.
I hope I can live up to the expectations. (my expectations)
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