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Articles by aakshat
Posted Sep 13, 2008 | General | 489 Views   (Updated Sep 13, 2008 09:45 PM)

Survivng Delhi Serial Blasts - Human Spirit

The Delhi Serial blasts, that to the last information are 5 in no. spread across the city and the social structure of the capital. The no. of deaths reported is 20 (CNN IBN) and injured is 92 (CNN IBN). That was the dry statistic that does not... The Delhi Serial blasts, that to the last information are 5 in no. spread across the city and the social structure of the capital. The no. of deaths reported is 20 (CNN IBN) and injured is 92 (CNN IBN). That was the dry statistic that does not cover the trauma, both physical and mental, and the psychological dents of the tragic incident. The human spirit has to survive this and it seems that it eventually will. The only issue that remains that of the political mileage that all the BJP netas (read Narendra Modi) are indulging in. So is the callous nature in which Shivraj Patil and Shiela Dixit have made the stereotyped remarks. The need of the hour is to rebuild the city's human spirit that is bleeding for the moment. I was in Lajpat Nagar at the time of the blasts and can say that it was disappointing to see people breaking traffic rules, creating unnecessary jams and chaos. I saw atleast a couple of brawls involving car drivers and rickshaw pullers on petty scratches. Life goes on for them and the blasts had had no effect on the way that we function. How trivial can be these incidents be in comparison to the tragic blasts? What are we going to do now? Are we going to react at all? Or, are we going to get up tomorrow in the morning, bellow a long, pungent fart and be over with the occurrences today? Let's get together, and find a solution. Individually, I can donate my blood and keep my eyes open for any terror situations. I can try to sensitise people around me and initiate discussions and drives. I need to know who would stand along my shoulder and be ready to go beyond their individual cocoon. Let me know and let's get together to celeberate our lives and those that are now lost. Death is certain since we are alive. But how and when should not restrict our living. The ones responsible do not belong to any one religion or faction of the society. Actually, they do not adhere to any religion or faith. Even more, they are not humans. They are the cancerous growth that needs to be chemo-ed out. Read More
Tags: blasts Delhi human simi
Posted Aug 28, 2008 | General | 586 Views   

Yippee! I didn't win the Rain mela

Before I get any brickbats in response, let me clarify why I felt the need to share my 'LOSS' in the recently concluded 'Rain Mela'. I was obviously disappointed to learn that I didn't win in any of the numerous categories, but then started refle... Before I get any brickbats in response, let me clarify why I felt the need to share my 'LOSS' in the recently concluded 'Rain Mela'. I was obviously disappointed to learn that I didn't win in any of the numerous categories, but then started reflecting on the nature of the feeling that I really felt. There was disappointment, but no anger and definitely no jealousy and also no regrets. Then I remembered how all of u had congratulated me in my victories and decided to celebrate my losses as well. After all its the participation that matters. Right! (Sounds like sour grapes? Frankly, I don't care now) I am compiling all my entries to the respective categories in the comments section. I would also like to thank and applaud Kewldebs for conceptualizing and organizing the Rain Mela. Hats off to you. Also a special mention to the RCs, evaluators and all the other participants. Hip, hip, hurray to all the winners in all the categories, winners of the consolation prizes, and the winners of the lucky draw. Read More
Tags: jeet haar celebration Rain mela yippee
Posted Aug 21, 2008 | General | 785 Views   

TeachIndia rocks

I have decided to take the slow start approach and am now going to be teaching the children every monday, wednesday and friday from 3-4.30pm. The attending children are going to be upto the 5th grade. All of them attend govt. school in the mornin... I have decided to take the slow start approach and am now going to be teaching the children every monday, wednesday and friday from 3-4.30pm. The attending children are going to be upto the 5th grade. All of them attend govt. school in the mornings and will be getting help with primarily english and maths. I start the volunteer service from this monday itself. Thanx to all those that responded to my call for help in taking a decision. Your advice reiterated my beliefs. We are not allowed to discuss the actual studies and the children in particular, so no more diaries on the TeachIndia campaign. On the completion of the 3 month committed period, I will write a detailed review involving my experience and my side of the story. I will request MS to open TeachIndia as a product by then. Wish me luck! Read More
Tags: teachindia
Posted Aug 20, 2008 | General | 1155 Views   

TeachIndia campaign

Today I went to Maitree, the NGO at their RKPuram, Sector XIII, New Delhi office & it was an experience that I wish to share with you. (I mistook the dates to meet the people at Maitree as 22-24 Aug instead of 20-22 Aug. If not for to 'Kewlde... Today I went to Maitree, the NGO at their RKPuram, Sector XIII, New Delhi office & it was an experience that I wish to share with you. (I mistook the dates to meet the people at Maitree as 22-24 Aug instead of 20-22 Aug. If not for to 'Kewldebs' I wouldn't have checked the SMS again. Thanx Debs!) There is a query, a quandry that I need help resolving. Will look forward to your comments & suggestions. Here goes: Today, after trying out the perspective exercises in my art class, I sauntered out to my car. It was surprisingly quite pleasant & sunny at the same time. There was a consistent comforting breeze. I sat down, turned the ignition, checked in the mirror, (don't know if I really saw myself or was it simply a nervous gesture) & swung the vehicle into the fast lane. It took me 10 mts to reach Anant Ram Dairy. Told that it is a slum, expected some shoddy mud houses, dirt & filth on the streets, open drains & lots of semi-naked children playing on the streets. Images of 'KAANTA' (illegal power connection) also flickered through. Boy! Was I in for a very pleasant surprise. Most of the houses would put posh delhi colonies to shame. Though there were some obsolete, rundown, single storey shacks looking quite out of place now with the surroundings having changed for the better. The roads were still constricted (this couldnt have been helped for obvious reasons. when we encroach beyond our houses, the road is what gets reduced) I sensibly left my Qualis parked out of the colony. The marble & granite address plates outside the houses read 'ARD complex'. It took me a while to decipher the acronym - Anant Ram Dairy. Talk about my self assessment taking a beating. Found the place & there were a couple of kids trying to open the door, quite unsuccessfully. I offered to help & it was locked. Then I realised the the door on the left to it opened into the same building. I walked in while the kids stayed out. My nervousness was at its peak, throat parched, furtive glances, all the signs of a high BP situation. I walked into a palce which climbed a couple of steps into a glass door with ornate wooden frame. Out walked a lady who beckoned me in. I followed her directions. I remembered the kids outside & I voiced my concern for them. I am not sure if she heard me (I squeaked would be more appropriate) but that door was opened for them. I was soon seated in a smallish but quite competently, proffessionally managed, official space. Before we could start off, another guy walked in. I was suddenly the senior one (by 2-3 minutes) He didn't look any better than me. We were asked to briefly tell about ourselves; past & present. He was fresh out of Engg. college & was to join an IT major. I told them that I am attending art classes. (I am yet to work out how to tell people that I don't work, in the least no. of words, & still keep their attantion on me as trustworthy) Introductions done, she told us about their NGO, history & current projects. They are currently running a child education program & that's where TeachIndia & we, as volunteers come in. There was a long discussion about what is expected of us (not much for they will assign 2 children to each volunteer & based on the schedule that the volunteer can take, will fine tune the program). I was completely disarmed by the simple the lady's determined nature. Not feeling nervous anymore, I put across a lot of questions, that I felt were pertinent. They have another center in Sonia Vihar, in RKPuram (but on the other side of Ring road, near Sangam cinema) where they just have space for a classroom & a women-empowerment tailoring workshop. We were asked for our preference of venue (we decided to confirm after we see the other center, i.e. tomorrow) & time ( they run 2 slots: 3 to 4.30pm for children upto 5th class & 4.30 to 6pm for children from 5th class to 9th). We have decided that tomorrow the three of us (me, the lady & the other fellow, whose name is Akshay(!)) will go to the center & then decide. Now comes the quandry. Help me out guys. I wanted to confirm 5 days (mon. to fri.) from 3-6 pm. The minimum is 1 class (either of the 2 timings) atleast once a week. I want to go the whole way. But wonder if I'll be able to do it. I discussed with my wife & she reco-ed that I do the 3-4.30pm class, as that would be right after my art class (10-2pm) & in the same area. I can be back home by 5-5.30pm & still cope with my art homework & personal life. My monday, wednesday & fridays are days for practice & think that they will be reasonably lighter. I am now thinking of suggesting a 3-4.30pm slot on Mon, Wed, & Fridays. I can then take stock of the time & energy that I am left with & then increase the workload. What do you think? Please let me know your suggestions. I need to give my decision tomorrow. Read More
Tags: Teach India classes
Posted Aug 19, 2008 | General | 762 Views   

Teach India

Well, well! I had volunteered for the Teach India campaign by Times of India, long time back. Today I got an SMS requesting me to join the campaign, and am expected to report to Maitree (NGO) in RKPuram, New Delhi. I'm very excited and can barely... Well, well! I had volunteered for the Teach India campaign by Times of India, long time back. Today I got an SMS requesting me to join the campaign, and am expected to report to Maitree (NGO) in RKPuram, New Delhi. I'm very excited and can barely wait to know how I can contribute. My art classes are really keeping me busy, what with 6-7 sheets to be submitted every tuesday. Today's assignment was really tough and lengthy. I stayed up all night but still couldnt complete it. Completed it in the class. (Wonder if I'll need to give the kids some homework when I do go for the formal teaching classes? I wouldnt want to.) So right now am barely able to keep my eyes open. Sleepless in Delhi! Suddenly the number of hours in a day are seeming to be not enough. LOL I'll write a complete review or a post, whatever, once I'm through with my interactions with the NGO (22-24 Aug.) Fingers crossed. There is a lot of pride, anticipation and nervousness too. Wish me luck guys. I hope I can live up to the expectations. (my expectations) Read More
Tags: Teach India
Posted Aug 15, 2008 | General | 745 Views   

Mera Bharat Mahaan

As I was reading the post by 'nonuest' As I was reading the post by 'nonuest' I was reminded of this article that I'd written in 2006. Though I'd forwarded it to Times of India and Hindustan Times, I never got any response nor was it published. Thought I'd share it with you. Mera Bharat Mahaan I have nothing against exposure of our Indian flag to the commercialization of the Independence Day. I don’t find myself overtly patriotic and neither do I consider myself to be totally devoid of any feeling for the country I reside in. It is also the country that saw my birth and the birth and demise of my ancestors. To take pride in your country of birth or country of residence, you do have to feel connected to it. My connection is somewhat limited to the cribbing that I do at the diverse yet identical queues that I stand in, intersections that I cross, crossings that I crawl through in my car, and call centers that I call to register complaints for the electricity outages, for the faulty ceiling fan that produces more noise than relief, leaking bathroom fittings, dried taps, inflated credit card bills, train delays and rescheduling and a lot more. I cringe at the sight of beggars at the crossings and the streets. I revel at the thought of venturing out on foot during rains, fearing the muck to absorb me as I walk or rather wade through. I wait for that long beep of the last dying effort of my inverter as I continue punching keys on my imported laptop. I honestly dread the moments when I’d be forced to offer a bribe to the policeman at the crossing, as I almost deliberately jump the signal. I can grease palms with the excellence of a Gangul-ian cover drive. Easy does it. I have recently got entrapped in a self realization mode. The remote seems to be working on dead or at best dying, flickering batteries. My life is just not switching to another channel. I see people working around me performing different roles and varied duties. Some are engineers, some laborers. Some are soft, others hard. Some are teaching, some mugging up. Some are cleaning while others messing around. What am I doing? Sitting and waiting for my moment to arrive. I believe that everyone is born for some single purpose in life. Some find it, others don’t. I deliberately stopped doing anything else but look for the answer for myself. I am yet to find it. But this article was not supposed to be about me. It is supposed to be about the kite that I saw. Torn and in tatters. The only concern I felt for the shredded piece of paper was towards its uncanny resemblance to the national flag. Something stirred in me. Holding my German Shepard in one hand and balancing the milk packets in the same, I took out my latest mobile and snapped a couple of quick pics. My dog did not share my concern. He had come for his walk and was sure to get one. He pulled me over to the other side of the street. He relieved himself of the overnight burden and then settled down to be taken around at my will at last. I returned to the same site and painstakingly took down the shattered flier. Now with the remnants in hand I pondered on what to do with them. That’s when I realized. This was simply paper and sticks. I was the one who saw it as a torn replica of the national flag. It was not. It could not be. The lie was true in my eyes. I folded the pieces into a bundle and promptly deposited them into the nearby dustbin. Thereby having relieved myself of the pain and turmoil that I felt. But still the high quality digital photographs that I’d taken with my Nokia didn’t let me rest easy. The moment I transferred the photographs onto my laptop via Bluetooth, I was shocked and again reminded of its uncanny resemblance to my national flag. Was it just a chanced situation or was it destined to happen? Maybe I should avail of my rights as a law abiding, honest, caring and aware citizen and exercise my RTI to question the President, the Prime Minister and the concerned senior authorities as to why had I been so unjustly exposed to this ever lasting mental trauma and anguish. My country lay shattered and torn as I simply looked on and clicked photographs and all around me the people were unaware of the significance of the moment. They just carried on with their duties and went on with their lives. Why should I be so troubled? Please respond at the earliest. Thanking You, Yours truly, Aakshat Sinha (Unemployed & Unconcerned) Read More
Tags: India national flag bharat mahaan
Posted Aug 12, 2008 | General | 3319 Views   

Next life by Woody Allen

I got this in a mail and couldn't stop thinking how I would have found this opportunity, i.e. to age in reverse. Also I saw the trailer of this movie which stars Brad Pitt, which is also based on a life of reverse aging. Seems quite interestin... I got this in a mail and couldn't stop thinking how I would have found this opportunity, i.e. to age in reverse. Also I saw the trailer of this movie which stars Brad Pitt, which is also based on a life of reverse aging. Seems quite interesting. The name of the movie is 'The curious case of Benjamin Button' Read the extract below and share what comes to your mind when you read this. Next Life byWoody Allen In my next life Iwant to live my life backwards. You start out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an old people's home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, and then when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on your first day. You work for 40 years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol, and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for high school. You then go to primary school, you become a kid, you play. You have no responsibilities, you become a baby until you are born. And then you spend your last 9 months floating in luxurious spa like conditions with central heating and room service on tap, larger quarters every day and then Voila! You finish off as an orgasm! I rest my case. Read More
Tags: life in reverse woody allen
Posted Aug 08, 2008 | General | 673 Views   (Updated Aug 08, 2008 03:42 AM)

Comment lost in the MS waters

I was writing a comment to a review on NokiaN81 and exceeded the limit of characters (2000) in the comment box. I tried to replace two long wrods by a single short word, by selecting the words and writing in their place, and voila! the complete c... I was writing a comment to a review on NokiaN81 and exceeded the limit of characters (2000) in the comment box. I tried to replace two long wrods by a single short word, by selecting the words and writing in their place, and voila! the complete comment went for a toss and only the new word remained. Incidently the word that replaced my entire comment was ’went’. How ironic? Why did this happen? It shouldn’t have happened but it did. I'm sure that only the specific two words had been selected and not the whole comment so this replacement of the comment by one word shouldn’t have happened. The below mentioned is the review that I was commenting on. I had decided not to waste my time again on putting together a comment but then ultimately did comment. You can read it there, but only I know that it reads differently from my first attempt. You can never remember teh whole stuff the second time round. Has this ever happened to you? (I have already sent m2m to Vikram about this and await his response) Read More
Tags: Comment Lost
Posted Aug 06, 2008 | General | 537 Views   

India vs Japan

The lessons of Hiroshima for U and Me is a diary posted by Raj_onlyone. I hope he does not feel offended by my lifting stuff from his post and listing in my post. Actually, I'd posted a comment to this diary and his response that I'd written a po... The lessons of Hiroshima for U and Me is a diary posted by Raj_onlyone. I hope he does not feel offended by my lifting stuff from his post and listing in my post. Actually, I'd posted a comment to this diary and his response that I'd written a post within his post, prompted me to setup a separate post. To first read his post please access: The Lessons of Hiroshima for U and Me.. Have a look..... what happen in Japan The formula was like that .... They set a goal They put a dead line they got identified the obsticles in the road to their goals they identified the people and groups they need to work with .................... find out what they need to know more to achieve that ..............develop a plan of action where are we ..... its hight time to take action in life and get succesful. My comment: Arrey toh Apni India mein bhi yehi ho raha hai. Goal set kardete hain, deadline decide kar lete hain, sare rodey (obstacles) ki list ban jati hai, jinka saath chahiye unki list ban jati hai, aur sari se thodi zyada jaankari haasil ho jati hai, aur plan toh har mod pe bantey hain, action ke. Problem sirf yeh hai ki - -goal dur se dekhne mein aasan lagta hai (paas se obstacle ban jata hai), -deadline toh hoti hai lekin hamari ridhh ki haddi (spine) ki tarah badi hi flexible hoti hai, -rodey dhund ke pehle nipta diye jaate hain (corruption se), lekin project ke term mein naye naye rodey aa jatey hain (transfer), -sarey saathiyon ko patta liya jata hai (saam, daam, dand, bhed), lekin kabhi govt. gir jaati hai, kabhi mallika ka pallu, -sari se thodi zyada jaankari ka fayda nahin nuksaan hota hai, ’too many cooks spoil the broth’, -plan of action ki toh kya kahein, plan hi toh bantey hain, action ka waqt hi kahan milta. For eg. -Goal - Flyover project to support 1000 vehicles daily, -Deadline - 3 yrs. (completion) -Obstacles - opposition party MLA, local land mafia, dubai ka bhai, greenpeace, nukkad ka paan wala, n many more. (saam, daam, dand, bhed ka istimal) -Saathi - state govt., builder, contractor, construction material supplier, transport dept(again saam, daam, dand, bhed), -extra Jankari - commissions, project reports, china project copy, n moolah, -Plan - yeh toh shuruat mein hi ban jata hai, -rah gaya Action - toh aaj nahin toh 10 saal mein sahi By time of completion - cost spirals to 10 times, n now the need is for a flyover for 10000 vehicles. The process is restarted right from the conception stage again. Cycle chalta jata hai. Read More
Tags: India Japan hiroshima Project delays Raj
Posted Aug 04, 2008 | General | 514 Views   

Friends, I won

Friends, I won. I want to thank Tanna for conducting the Freindship Day contest. Thanx to Mazhar for judging the entries (I know it must have been difficult to adjudicate impartially, as all were friend) and to Akash for spon... Friends, I won. I want to thank Tanna for conducting the Freindship Day contest. Thanx to Mazhar for judging the entries (I know it must have been difficult to adjudicate impartially, as all were friend) and to Akash for sponsoring the prizes (lack of points can pinch, especially with friendship day) Friendship Quotes a) Poetic First Prize Worth 200 MS points goes to Aakshat(aakshat) ’’I called out, but there was no reply, I walked over to the cliff edge, but none stopped me, all walked me by. I looked around with intent, but now there wasn’t a soul, Suddenly the sun shone bright and the breeze blew swift, I knew You stood next to me, and didn’t walk by. With you for support, my wings grew out, I again walked to the cliff edge, no fear - no doubt. And as I jumped, soared and flew up and away, I knew your presence was a comfort, as our friendship led our way.’’ b) Funny First Prize Worth 200 MS points goes to Aakshat(aakshat) ’’Between the two of us we share a very fast and shrewd brain, I wonder how you will cope when I leave with it.’’ Thanx to Tanna (contest coordinator), Mazhar (Contest Judge), and Akash (Contest sponsor) Big applause to all the other winners and the rest of the participants too. Friendship rules and rocks. Read More
Tags: Contest won prize

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