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Viraj Patel @Patel_viraj MouthShut Verified Member
Member Since: Feb 22, 2020
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Viraj Patel @Patel_viraj
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Ecommerce and Online Business Information Technology Companies
Reviewed VIP Shaadi
I looked for a reliable service and found positiv Verified ReviewMouthShut has verified the genuineness of the reviewing consumer.
I opted for this VIP Shaadi service because of its good name in the market. After three months of searching, I found my soulmate, who met all my needs. ...Read more
Reviewed Shaadi review from my personal experience.
I used to find my life partner, and they provided me with the matches I was looking for. It did take some time, but in the end, I found my soulma...Read more
Good company with various opportunities
This company has a good work environment, and also gives more opportunities to learn. The company has comfortable working hours thus the employees work happ...Read more
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
Fiber cable broken, horrible Airtel engineer beha
Hi Airtel Team, I am Taufeeque Khan and I have been an Airtel user for 3 years, old Xtreme user, currently, I am using Airel Black services with the number ...Read more
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