Dec 10, 2008 05:15 PM
(Updated Jul 30, 2010 01:38 PM)
Since the birth of civilization there has been one question that has haunted man. Whether it was Mohenjo-Daro Harappa or the modern societies of today, Man has constantly searched GOD. There have been believers and non believers, those who thought every action and happening of nature was an act of GOD and those who thought rationally and attributed everything to a scientific explanation. Whatever be the age that we talk about there have always been certain happenings, certain incidents that have defied rational and scientific explanation.
The non-believers have attributed these to coincidence or chance. Many people, Sages, Preachers, and Saints have spent their entire lives worshipping and searching for GOD. All religions have their own different rituals, customs and beliefs, but what they all have in common is the firm guiding principle of faith that GOD exists. But has anyone really ever found HIM. I mean really ever talked to him face to face. Well the Mythology of many religions is full of instances when sages or Avatars have come face to face or met GOD, but what about recent history. So the real question here is can anyone really meet GOD. You may think what a stupid question that is. Yes any right thinking man or woman, whether a believer or an atheist will surely think that way. But what can you say to a child, they question everything…
The Premise
This is the story of a small 10 year old boy studying in the fifth grade in a catholic school and staying in a joint family with his parents and grandfather in the States. He is very close to his grandfather who unfortunately has been diagnosed with cancer and has limited time left to live. It all starts with a simple question from the child which his grandfather answers one day. The boy is shattered by the thought that his grandpa is going to die soon and is unable to bear the pain. He asks the old and wise man if he too is afraid of dying. The grandpa says he is not, because he knows GOD will take care of him when his life ends. But the little boy is not convinced. What if there is no GOD, who will take care of his grandfather then. What is the positive proof that GOD is there. How can he trust his most beloved grandpa in the hands of someone whom he is not even sure exists?
Joshua’s grandfather soon dies but in the state of mourning the boy determines that he is going to find GOD and get the answer straight from HIM to the question most pressing in his mind. Is his grandfather being well looked after. From there starts his journey of finding GOD. Through the ages people of different faiths have done different things in their quest of the Almighty. He too tries all the regular things prescribed in Christian Catholic religion to no avail. He then tries the methods of all the other religions, chanting OM and fasting on specific days, lighting candles, kneeling down and bowing the head in the east direction five times a day, but to no avail. He desperately prays for just a sign, but gets none.
So is GOD just a matter of faith and belief, does HE actually not exist. Or does he just not care who searches for HIM. Is a little boy so desperately seeking HIM not going to be able to meet HIM? Will the faith of a small child be shattered after all? Will he have to live his entire life not knowing if his loving grandfather is all right after all? All these questions are answered by the movie in a manner that you could never imagine. And the answers will leave you spellbound.
The Setting
The movie is set in the background of a beautiful catholic school which Joshua attends for the whole fifth grade while he searches for the answer to his most pressing question. The strict catholic discipline and atmosphere, the relationship between the children, his best friend, his first crush, his relationship with his parents and the extra attention that they try to give him knowing that he is disturbed by the death in the family, make the movie a must watch. How his best friend helps him ask the right questions and how he helps him stay focused on the mission without losing hope are a treat to watch.
The whole movie has been carried on his little shoulders by a 10 year old boy Joseph Cross who does the role of Joshua A Beal to perfection. In the beginning of the movie you would be forgiven for mistaking that it is one for children. It definitely is not. It will shake up even the most enlightened of people and will force them to rethink their beliefs. But does it endorse atheism or does it endorse faith in GOD in the end, is something I will leave for you all to find out for yourselves.
Joshua’s best friend, Dave O’Hara has been played by Timothy Reifsneider. He too has done an excellent job. He is at Joshua’s side every inch of the way and is his most trustworthy companion. He advises him in every situation and counsels him when he is losing his faith. Rosie O'Donnell and Camryn Manheim as Sister Terry and Sister Sophia have looked authentic catholic nuns.
Do see this movie, whatever religion you may belong to, to revisit your faiths in a new light!