Sep 25, 2002 12:41 PM
(Updated Sep 25, 2002 12:41 PM)
There I was a toddler, crawling around with great gusto. oops, too far back, hmm... let me see, it was after my 12th standard exams, getting a decent result in the afore mentioned exams meant yours truly was sent to engineering where he would shine and blow away all competition(ya right!). All hope rested on me cos my brother is a real dud(hehe! sorry man but the world has to know the truth) and I had to 'Roshan karrofy the Khandan'. So I joined my present day college namely 'Vishwakarma Institute Of Technology' and with hope in my heart and a song on my lips I went for my first day in college.
Present Day
Crash.Bang.Poof.(there goes the song). I dont think I will ever fully recover. The trauma of coming to a professional college and realising that I was supposed to study like a donkey(to understand the term one should be an engineer) was too much of a shock to me. I promptly decided that my brother was far more intelligent then I would ever be for he finished engineering with flying colours and there I was calculating whether clearing engineering could be made a career option.
The college helped very little, the people there insisted on compulsory attendance and to make it worse actually enforced some wierd 75% compulsory attendance rule which even today in my Third Year I am being forced to comply to. But all this does'nt mean I dislike the college, it just meant that life took a turn for the worse for a small period(easy to say small now, back then it was quite a long period) but then after my first year I grew to quite like the place and today I am quite proud of my college.
The College
If you have seen the IIT's or IIM's and come to our humble college expecting to see a panoramic view of a college set on a hill top then forget it.
This college is located in Maharashtra in the evergreen city of Pune. Its a beautiful place but surrounded by hutments(like no other college you'll ever see, hehe), its got no campus worth talking about but our Departments of Mechanical and Electronics are of the highest quality.
Let me tell you what courses are offered :
1) Mechanical Engineering(very good staff)
2) Computer Engineering(very strict but decent staff)
3) Electronics(very good staff)
4) Instrumentation(decent staff, brilliant the way guess which branch I'm in)
5) Chemical(new branch, but good staff)
6) Production(new branch, lousy staff)
7) Industrial(useless course)
The institution is around 20yrs old and in this relatively small period of time has become one of the best institutes in the state. We have a very dedicated staff(if nothing else), and extremely smart students(but obviously) thus making this college a very good place to study in if you are planning to study in Pune.