Aug 18, 2023 04:36 PM
Booked for 2 services with UC, Bangalore(1) Health facet pipe leaking(2) PVC flush tank leaking and paid Rs. 346 as per tariff card on 15.08.2023. Partner came on 16.08.2023 and rectified(1) health facet pipe leaking work. However he could not attend / complete / do the work of(2) Flush tank leak and suggest for replacement of the tank. He volunteered to buy a tank and fix it at a slightly enhanced cost as per tariff card. I agreed to pay the difference. I told him that I buy the new flush tank and asked him to come and fix. He was supposed to come on 17th. When I called him on 17th evening, he said on 18th pucca. But did not turn up. The company app is also useless under such circumstance. Since the partner did not do the job for one work they should return the amount after deducting visitation fee or complete the job as per the tariff applicable for that work. The company is unresponsive. At times consumers cannot exactly identify the problem areas and chose the work specified in the app only. There is no facility for discussion in their app. Nor the officials / help desk come on line to find out. Hence it is not advisable to approach them unless the problem areas are fully identified and that matches the work attended by the partner later on.