May 21, 2001 03:45 AM
Perhaps I'm a bit partial to the United States, this being because (well, first of all, I am a natural born American) I've grown up with a father in the U.S. military and have found excessive pride in this country. I know such awful things have happened with our government, lying and cheating, wars and all of that.
The point I'm trying to get at with this review is: why is there such a stereotype placed upon Americans? Don't deny it, because I've seen plenty of this rudeness go on here. This site is very cultural, with people from all over the world, but mostly from India and Europe.
Those of you who haven't migrated to the U.S. and think it is the best country you could've possibly stepped foot on are definitely taking on a disgusting attitude towards Americans. Sure our government makes mistakes and last year's presidential elections were the silliest thing to happen to a country, but every country has problems and does stupid things.
You really can't fight that fact. How about the war in the 40s in Germany, Hitler took over and discriminated against those of Jewish faith? That was brutal, yet who crossed the 'pond' to help fight against that horrible man? Why, the United States military forces. What about the fight between Northern and Southern Ireland? Yeah, that's what I thought.
America...sure our country has gone through very different times, cruel times, most happy times. I've noticed that those of you who aren't from here tend to look down upon Americans. You see us as a country full of dumb people who have no sense of what is right and what is wrong.
Our teenagers (I'm part of this American teen stereotype) are shooting each other in schools and taking excessive amounts of drugs, even killing others when getting behind the wheel of a car drunk. We can't even decide who we want as a president! But listen, what do you expect from a country with one of the largest populations, most financially stable next to some of Europe, and all that craziness?
When there are so many problems in other countries, why do foreigners insist upon making fun of American people and this country? It's crazy that you, of anyone, could sit and laugh when we can't decide who our next president will be. You know what resulted from that?! Pretty much an economic recession in this country, with thousands of people losing jobs. I bet you're not laughing now, that type of thing is just not humorous.
How can you sit there and find it disgusting and barbaric that two teenagers could walk into their high school and shoot their classmates? Sure it was wrong, but isn't that a bit hypocritical? On TV I've seen some news about Palestinians killing little boys and their mothers...isn't that practically as disgusting? Or people in Ireland bombing buildings with dozens of people inside, just because of their spite and hate?
I guess what I'm trying to say is: if the people and government of your country isn't innocent and sweet, then you have no room to say a thing about the United States. Our country allows and invites those from other countries to visit and come to live on our land when we are already overpopulated enough. Our country was the symbol of freedom for my ancestors in the 1800s, as they sailed into Ellis Island and viewed the tremendous Statue of Liberty in New York's harbor. Our country has always provided protection and allied with other, less fortunate countries who need military help.
If you haven't been here, lived here, or even experienced the American dream...don't judge the USA or its citizens.