Illegal way of charging maintenance before possess

₹46.8 L - ₹67.7 L
Possession on: Feb 2019
Status: Ready to Move
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Illegal way of charging maintenance before possess
Aug 21, 2022 11:37 AM 3761 views (via Mobile)

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The developer is not ethical..I suprise, they try to fetch money illegal way..I bought a flat in Lakewood, Patuli..They took money(around 75k) for the entire year from me in the name of maintenance(apart from the interest fee maintenance deposit) before giving me the possession..They should give possession and start charging the flat was with them for 1 year since I was in abroad and they put a office inside my flat..they didn't inform me about this...However, they charge that money for that 1 year .They stop my registration because of this and forced me to pay that money..please be aware of it

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