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What did you listen to last night???
May 23, 2003 04:45 PM 2293 Views
(Updated May 23, 2003 04:56 PM)

Here's my list.the lyric samples can't be totally accurate.didn't have time to get the exact lyrics from the net.and this is entirely my opinion.comments are welcome.

Beatles: A day in the life: Two short songs beautifully intertwined.Lennon starts off with the'I heard the news today, oh boy' and then while you hear about people dying of accidents and war, Paul comes in with a beautiful reminder of our daily existence:

'Woke up, fell out of bed

Dragged a comb across my head

Made my way downstairs and had a cup

Somebody spoke and I went into a dream'

and as an add on it has a last minute motley of sounds that give it an eerie feel. A must have!

Nirvana: Where did you sleep last night?I love it for Cobain's energy, his phenomenal singing and also because you can sing it in the bathroom at the top of your I go again

'My girl, my girl don't lie to me

Tell me where did you sleep last night?'

Oasis: Wonderwall: One of the best british bands in recent years. In my opinion, the trio of Oasis, Blur and Travis are the bands to watch out for. This is my favorite Oasis number.a love song par excellence and I love the way it gets to you.

John Lennon: Nobody loves you when you're down and out This is a rather obscure number.not many people have heard it but the Lennon's lyrics and his ability to express emotions so perfectly make this an'outoftheworld' song. From the Wonsaponatime album. Here are the lyrics:

'Nobody loves you when you're down and out

Nobody knows you when you're on cloud nine

Everybody's hustlin' for a buck and a dime

I'll scratch your back and you knife mine

Bob Dylan: Desolation Row: Dylan's voice.sarcasm, wit mixed with gravel and cynicism.and to top it all.a prediction for all of us.we are all going to Desolation Row and Dylan is already there. There are some lines that I can't just can't forget:

'Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood

With his memories in a trunk

Passed this way an hour ago

With his friend, a jealous monk

He looked so immaculately frightful

As he bummed a cigarette

Then he went off sniffing drainpipes

And reciting the alphabet

Now you would not think to look at him

But he was famous long ago

For playing the electric violin

On Desolation Row'

Rolling Stones: I can't get no satisfaction: Wonsaponatime I was a nasty little, big boy who was never satisfied.and nobody was a man who didn't smoke

the same cigarettes as me. This is not my line.this is taken from the song. Voted the Best song of the last century in a BBC was the rebel song of the young generation in the 60's and I guess things haven't changed


Jimi Hendrix: All along the watchtower Hendrix did things with a guitar which no one else had imagined and when you have a song penned by Dylan and performed by Hendrix then you have a GEM!

Blur: Tender  This is one is gospel singing mixed with rock.and it always touches me because of the beautiful https://lyrics.

Tender is my heart

I'm screwing up my life

Oh lord I need to find

Someone who can heal my mind

I'm cynical.yes yes yes.I'm cynical.but this one appeals to my basic instinct.TO BE LOVED! TO LOVE!

Doors: Break on through to the other side Jim Morrison has the voice that can make you feel alone in a can feel him and nothing else. This one is an excellent introduction to the music of the Doors. Once your Break on through to the other side.there's nothing that can stop you.

Metallica: Nothing else matters Does this one need much of an introduction. I'm not into metal but I love, love, love this song. You get a whole orchestra, you get a hard rock band.mix it with the lyrics for a

generation which wants to break free and then.nothing else matters!

Blue Oyster Cult: Don't fear the reaper Check this one out for it's eerie feel.and please don't fear the reaper.he's gonna get you anyhow. Blue Oyster Cult are one of the proponents of hard rock and this song is ample proof of their genius.

Love: A House in not a motel The lead singer, Arthur Lee thought he's going to die after making Love's third album and he wanted to make a masterpiece. The album is a classic and this song is a defintion of perfection. I've heard it took the band 458 takes to get it right. Check out the guitar work, Lee's ghostly voice floating through the trumpets.

'You are just a thought that someone

Somewhere somehow feels you should be here

And it's so for real to touch

To smell, to feel, to know where you are here

And the streets are paved with gold and if

Someone asks you, you can call my name

You can call my name

I hear you calling my name  yeah    all right now'

Pink Floyd: Time: Clocks ticking?a hint of a guitar.and then it explodes.

'and then one day you find

ten years have gone behind you

noone told you when to run,

you missed the starting gun'

Well, I'll stay home and watch the rain with Floyd to give me company.

Pink Floyd: Coming back to life My college days were filled with long nights on the roof with a stereo precariously placed on the edge and a point of

light going around a small group of people. This is was a cult song.

'where wre you when I was burnt and broken

where wre you, when I was hurt and I was helpless'

yeah.where were you?

Beatles: While my guitar gently weeps I wouldn't have included this here if not for somebody called Mr. Eric Clapton. He played the guitar in this one and this is one of the greatest guitar riffs I've ever never ends!

Waterboys: The whole of the moonI'm a bit crazy about this song.and I bet most of you haven't heard it. I remember all of it by is a small;-) sample:

'I pictured a rainbow

You held it in your hand

I had flashes

You saw the plan

I wandered out in the world for years

While you just stayed in your room

I saw the crescent

You saw the whole of the moon

The whole of the moon

U2: Who's gonna ride your wild horses. Who's gonna sing like Bono? Who's gonna make me feel like a dilapidated parking lot and make me feel good about being a parking lot? who who who?

please see the comments for the remaining.


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