Apr 18, 2001 04:04 AM
The TRGPro is the best Palm on the market right now. Even with the advent of newer models, my money is still on the TRGPro. Why? Two reasons:
1) It has exceptional sound capabilities. Unlike other Palm OS devices, you can actually hear the TRGPro. In another room. Through closed doors (really, this is a good thing).
2) It has a CompactFlash slot. The TRGPro was the first Palm with an industry standard expansion slot. CompactFlash remains the cheapest way to add extra memory to a Palm. There are also modems and other accessories available for the CF slot.
The only real drawback is that the TRGPro uses the inverted backlight used in most Palm OS devices today. The older backlight style was infinitely easier to see, especially in partial darkness conditions.
There have been approximately 10 Palm OS devices released since the TRGPro came to market, and in my mind none of them can compete with the TRGPro.