Aug 01, 2015 11:23 AM
I wanted to paint my house because of my brothers marriage. I coloured two times before this time with distemper.
I wanted good smooth and very light finishing in my hose wall. I asked many contractors and my friends also for my house interior paint. Contractor give me two or three suggestion but I used distemper before this so I finally choose Tractor Emulsion by Asian paint.
Tractor Emulsion is give smooth and good looking finishing to my house wall as they advise me for three coats. I coloured my different wall with different shade of Tractor Emulsion. There is a many shade available for your choose colour. This Tractor Emulsion give you a long tine rest for twice colour. Tractor Emulsion has durability for four to five years. I get six shade in Tractor Emulsion for my house wall.
Asian paint's staff gives me good suggestion and information. Staff is good and Tractor Emulsion also best for my house. Tractor Emulsion is not anti fungal but this is washable. I can wash my wall any time without any worry. Tractor Emulsion is reasonable for all customer and available in 1, 4, 10, 20 Ltrs. So I can buy as per demand of contractor.
I happy with my wall smooth finishing and also happy with Asian paint's staff and good advise. I give a best look in my brother's marriage. I really feel good also today.