Feb 22, 2016 09:40 PM
Torrentz.eu is a website for downloading literally anything online. Most of the times the downloads are free. "BitTorrent" is the software required to be downloaded initially to download any torrent file. I have already downloaded many Hollywood movies here.
Once you type some letters the systems offers you suggestions. Many download servers are available to choose from. Some of them are premium and most are free.
The website is also very user-friendly.
The only issue with this site that I get distracted and annoyed by the number of ads flashing all at the same time on the screen. Sometimes there are pics not viewable by family members.
Many sites try to open along with this site. I fear virus and malware may try to enter your computer through these sites. So it is absolutely necessary to have a good working anti-virus program installed prior to accessing this site.
My recommendation goes for this site, but use with caution.