Mar 05, 2017 11:31 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Mar 05, 2017 11:31 PM)
Obesity one of many sins we choose to commit upon ourselves. Living in the west I see its form. Now when I say sin. I want everyone to know I do not mean it in the traditional sense of reglion at all. When I say sin I mean a personal offense that one commits upon themselves ok? So, why do you think its easy to get fat? Remind yourself its a mindset. For one to simply eat til it becomes memory of safety requires alot of bad attent from issues that one has dealt with or currently going through. Yes even stress can add weight. But its what you do after you eat that qctually creates weight. You eat you are upset what are you actually more than likely to do? Something that requires little to know movement no effort. So where is that food going? Its math for your body.
How many carbs do we consume on a given day? 2, 500? Everything that im coming to is how you burn your fat. Control of what you eat is all your own. But becoming aware of what you are consuming and how your body sheds weight are important. It all comes to you your personal knowledge of foods you eat. I hope that we all understand a body in motion stays in motion a body that ceases will do otherwise.
Thank you for your time readers be blessed the world deserves our attention because it gave us hers. One.