Aug 05, 2016 06:56 PM
(via Mobile)
(Updated Aug 05, 2016 06:56 PM)
Nursery school is the primary stage for children's admission. If you look back to the olden days around 40 - 45 years ago. Children used to be very happy. Their life was very pleasant and joyful. There was no nursery school, their school admission was only after completion of five years of age and their school period was very simple and smooth running. Even I didn't see any nursery school during our time, Initially I was admitted to school in first standard at the age of six years. In present time the children's life starts on the fast track without stopage on the way. At the age of two or two and half, the parents putting them to the play school or nursery school, in that time neither the kid is aware of the surrounding nor his mind is properly developed and he will remain far away of love and affection from their parents.
In the urban area, we can find in several single family that both husband wife are employed and they don't have time for their kids. At the very early age they will be admitted in the hostel cum nursery school or they will be under the care of their maid servant(aaya) or sometimes she will be considered as their mother.So they will never get the real love of their parents and the same time children also will loose the affection towards them. Secondly they will not learn any social ritual reforms which are also necessary in the family and society.
In my opinion children should be admitted to the nursery school after completion of four years of age and this one nursery period should be very comfortable and easy going without any extra burden or pressure and after that at the age of five they can join school. Up to four years of age they should remain under the close care of parents and specially mother should look after them very well, even they should be brought up in the lap of mother. Their all the requirements should be fulfilled and they should be kept away from all types of burden. They should be nourished with proper diet and give them good environment for their freedom. So their future will be bright and always they will love their parents.