Mar 11, 2018 08:16 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Mar 11, 2018 08:16 PM)
Its been said that when one commits to excellence its no longer a means to an a in but a habit much same can be said about music in this regard. But today ladies and gentlemen I want to press on the issue of music and the moral sides taken through the soundwave market. Understand that music is a form of sound vibratation that can effect the mind in many ways. In truth what you listen to at times can be defining of you because of what you relate to. Often times we forget that music's true intent was to be uplifting and soothing. We used music during sad times to up lift and make us strong. When we wanted to celebrate musicmade you joyful.
Today music takes a truly ugly form. You learn that even sound can be manupliated to make a person feel completely negative. Negative enough to create a murder a theif out of all honest folk. The truth is people war has become a part of are being.
Look around you. The shooting stabbing murdering. Messages lost because of wise men. Wiisw enough to know that when one seeks the ledge then they will mind to find knowledge to persecive pass the ledge. I just ask that people keep in mind vibration and the sounds have power as well and rather you are aware or not it has an effect. People must train themselves when listening to music and really come to understand how it effectsyou personally.
Maybe then youll see how one with lesser discipline could fall victem. Blessings to all. Every genre has a story to tell its just learning the postion of that story that become truly important.