Now a other cool retro movie is on the way .its about the 1970 s Los angeles. When a retro style unlucky detactive( Holland march) playing gosling in this movie and a hired enforcer( jackson healy) playing crowe working togather to solv the case of a missing girl and seemingly unrelated deth of a porn star during their investigation .and they find a conspiracy that is so connected with powerful reputed personals.
it will relese on may 20, 2016 By Warner bros pictures entartainment company.
its a commedy movie on a retro plot.
nice to see some retro music and dance .as well as that period cars and living style, that period starsand actress.
watch with familey not advised .sum objectionable scnces might be in this movie .
overall a nice commedy suspence thriller .
movie directed by shane black.
nice movie to watch with friends this summer.