Dec 15, 2015 08:40 AM
Here comes the review of one of the most awaited sequels of all time- The Mountain Shadow by Gregory David Roberts. Those who have read the prequel- Shantaram, must have been floored by it. It is also being made into a Hollywood motions picture.
So definitely the wait for the sequel was intense and it required a lot of patience for fans like me. The sequel was released in October, with a massive volume(nearly 1000 pages) and a storyline that is bound to take readers by storm. It took me one and a half months to finish the book. But I had finished the first book in 6 days flat- it was so intriguing, engaging; the second book lacks that magic.
While the first book was about lively descriptions of Lin's life, his struggle, battle for life and the undercover crime world that we always wanted to know about; this one deals with the aftermaths. The mafia organization is now run by someone else. Lin's crush has married some politician, he is now living with Lisa. and there are many new developments.
What was disappointing was not the dots, but the way the dots were connected. The author was very focused when he wrote the first one. For this- he has failed his readers.