I bought this game as a bundle in PS4. Thought maybe it is not that good because at came free. But, when I started playing it, I became Addicted to it. The game was so good that I don't think anyonce could hate it. Also, the Graphics were awesome. The Storyline and the way they say it, just the best. Naughty Dog was alwas good at storytelling in a game but this was so good. Well if Uncharted series wasn't This was far more than best by Naughty dog. The best thing of the game was its Ending. They just told us that the game is not yet over there is more to come. Now, talking about the play of the game. The best feature of the game I liked was upgradability. It is so good and well presented that I have no more words to describe the Awesomeness of the game. It is awesome. Eagerly waiting for the Second Part