I’m putting my right hand on the bible when I say this, this place ain’t it. I’ve studied in this institution for 14 years, the longest and most horrible commitment of my very short life.
Let’s start with academics : )
My junior school teachers were outstanding, their fundamentals and basics were brilliant. Unfortunately, that’s about it, as you move on to higher classes, the level of teaching plummets. Ironic isn’t it?
The teachers are lethargic and underqualified. They make no effort whatsoever and expect the children to do everything themselves. I could work as a TA somewhere thanks to the firsthand experience this dark hole has given me.
Let me give you an example, during my 12th grade, I HAD 3 TEACHERS WHO COULD NOT TEACH. Keep in mind, we have 5 subjects.
The psychology teacher would only read from a xerox that we had to acquire because apparently our textbooks weren’t good enough. She didn’t even understand the concepts herself nor could she explain them, it was like listening to an audible recording 1/10.
The home science teacher would literally send us texts on WhatsApp of notes that were copy-pasted from the internet, -3/10 where’s the flavor?
These ones a kicker, our sociology teacher ( aka an egomaniac) had a misunderstanding with the class and REFUSED to teach. THIS IS A BOARD CLASS KAREN. -100/10
Couldn’t even do the ONLY job she had.
After several complaints, going to the vice-principal and principal no action was taken. Imagine being such a pathetic institute that you don’t even want your own students to do well.
Moving on to the extracurriculars. there are none : ) I mean other than the band and choir but if you want a drama club, literary club or anything other than singing or playing an instrument too bad, we don't have it. Just like good teachers or a decent infrastructure : )
We have the most talented athletes but does the school support them? No, of course not. They take them for like 2 tournaments and one is an inter faps one. However, if you play cricket or football, you go for more. That being said, the pt department is inadequate. Are we surprised? No.
The infrastructure is depressing just like every other aspect of the school. The walls are filthy, the fans don't work, the tables and chairs are practically torture devices. The washrooms could be classified as slums ( no joke) and the doors don’t even have locks. -50/10 Privacy what's that?
To sum it up, this place is a waste of time and space. Your child will 100% end up resenting you if you put them here. Disappointed but not surprised is the only vibe.