Oct 06, 2004 07:37 PM
(Updated Oct 06, 2004 07:38 PM)
I have a couple of unslightly blemishes, and I didn't want to use any chemicals - Which is why I decided to head to the body shop and purchase the magic green bottle - Tea Trea Oil.
With great hopes, unlimited anticipation and complete excitement, I paid the cashier 9.000 for a teeeny tiny bottle (10ml) that contained this supposedly magic solution. I asked her whether it would help with blemishes or a mlid pimple from time to time. She guranteed with great enthusiasm it would. Well, HELLO ! it didn't do a damn thing. Same blemishes, same intensity, same colour. No change at all. And the price? My gawd ! what a rip off. Don't waste your money on this product, as it's merely a gimmick.
I know others it hasn't worked for either. Perhaps, my skin just doesn't 'take it' meaning, it merely has no effect on my particular skin, maybe it does/will work for others, but I highly doubt it. I've noticed no change and have been using it for a couple of mnths in the hopes that 'in time, things will change' I suppose I should just stop kidding myself. Just a warning to potential tea tree oil buyers - ...... DONT ! =P