Dec 09, 2002 12:54 PM
(Updated Dec 09, 2002 12:54 PM)
What DO we do when a small voice in our heart timidly tells us to open a strange looking box and our seemingly sensible mind says NO! What CAN we do when two entwined butterflies call for attention by that little voice (again!) in search of an omen and our seemingly superior mind says,” MIND YOUR JOB!!”? To Be or Not To Be? These seemingly frivolous questions are my only way of explaining what the book by Paulo Coelho named The Alchemist is all about.
As the name suggests, the book is a journey into a supernatural world that only our minds can understand and hence relate with the small voice inside our hearts. It tells us about a boy named Santiago who, even though educated and widely read, follows his heart and becomes a shepherd (?) just for the sake of traveling. A recurring dream in the course of events which lead him from Spain to the pyramids in Egypt in search of a treasure, mysterious mediators and messengers, rich lessons make the journey full of enlightening obstacles in the path of the boy and full of goose bumps for the readers. It tells you about following your intuitions, which nature herself strengthens and makes dominant in you. Its language is extremely simple as if reading Dr. Seuss books (but the content is nothing like it!) and the book gives us surprising yet extremely viable advices on relationships, PRs without being preachy. An excellent book for people in the management turf and for those who are trying to rediscover their spirituality or just for bookworms.
Reading the book is like sailing on a placid sea yet experiencing a strange turbulence in the heart. It’s a classic without being boring like most other classics and is a must buy for all who revere and adore quality written words. Don’t avert your eyes if you see this book anywhere, its an omen telling you, and your heart urging on “Buy Me….Buy M… Buy…Bu…”.