Mar 12, 2016 04:20 PM
On the last weekend was saw Tere Bin Laden: Dead or Alive with friends on the CINEMAX.This is the comedy movie but very boring on the climax.If the first attempt is fundamental and organic viewers appreciate and connect with artists and technicians of the film is praised. Abhishek Sharma said in 2010, "Tere Bin Laden" came to identify an actor Ali Zafar. Abhishek Sharma's acuity seen themselves. Was expected that Tere Bin Laden: Dead or Alive'they will go up a level and move forward from the previous appreciation. Her latest film disappoints. The young filmmaker plunged into the vortex of its own can first try. Abhishek Sharma, Manish Paul are also submerged. The familiar face of TV shows are not getting opportunities. The only flaw in their election? Osama bin Laden has been killed. US president should his video evidence.
Is there a difference in performance light show host and character. Manish Paul ignored him and does not charge its director. The film is not utilizing his talents. Pradyumna Singh's character is one-dimensional. They take him to play. Sadly, the presence of Ali Zafar in the film adds nothing. Initially, there is confusion. Piyush Mishra half-hearted character only play half-hearted manner. Of course they would not like to miss this film. Sikandar all artists look with some different energy. He has done justice to his role. For immediate impact and Piyush Mishra in the film Shetty Sisters singing Istebmal is also unnecessary. Osama and the US president is not new in the jokes.