Watched this movie yesterday.nothinng new .a love story and flop again.This film is starred by himesh actress Farah karimi, Naseeruddin shah , Kabir bedi, shekhar kapoor , and Monica dogra.i think he made a typical Himesh reshamia movie.
But plot was nice he himself playing role of a gangstar and loves his girlfriend tara( Farah karimi) do much .then his girl friend apprehanded in a false drgs case.and he is doing all efforts by heart to save her.Nasserrudin playing a prisoner expert in keys.
songs are nice plot also good but the bad thing was same kind of acting in both movies .he needs to learn a bed scences cant do magic
I think watching this movie is a waste of time if you hav free time then spend time watching this movie. Music is a bit ok .action scences a lot spent on them.